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Serkon Willett

The one they call "Grandpa"

Created by Mu

Lodge Archivist Serkon Mulldoon Willett

People have heard far and wide that the Midfort Athenaeum has a trove of history behind its walls, neatly organised and laid out. But that was not always the case, but ever since the old man showed up in town, things changed.   He is simply known as Grandpa Willett, the Archivist.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Serkon is in his later years, having a smaller frame but remains in perfectly good health. He attributes this to his balanced diet and constant exercise within the Athenaeum.

Body Features

Serkon once had a deep tan from the Arnskrone sun, but has been indoors for the past 30 years and now has since gained a very light brown skin tone.

Facial Features

Serkon's face is riddled with deep-set wrinkles, his pointed beard waxed and combed to perfection but prone to having a split end, his eyebrows are bushy and wild, unsurprising to most.

Identifying Characteristics

Serkon has a large gash across the right side of his head, from a monster that attacked him during his time travelling out of the Arnskronian domain.

Physical quirks

He has a strange tick that only occurs when he is searching for or through something. He will wiggle his fingers as if he was typing on a typewriter, but since they don't exist, nobody knows why he does this.

Special abilities

He can read peoples' lips and understand what they are saying, and can recall any event within the past seven days with absolute clarity. In terms of his spell casting abilities, he has a considerably impressive repertoire at his disposal, albeit not marketed towards combat.

Apparel & Accessories

Serkon wears a robe given to him by the Lodge of Alchemists, which boasts a tall collar on one side but comes down to a gentle open neck on the other. It is joined by a brooch of the Lodge, officiating him as a Lodge Archivist. He keeps his spectacles inside of his robes, hooked on the collar of his shirt beneath.

Specialized Equipment

He is not proficient with many things, but he has a piece of breastplate in his home, bringing those who see it to believe he once adventured. He can enchant, create, appraise, or destroy magical items or potions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Serkon Willett was born under unwanted circumstances, left by his parents at the doorstep of the House of Knowledge in Arnskrone. He was raised under the iron fist of Bishop Gwesylin, a conservative and fanatical old High Elf who despised the arcane traditions as much as his fellow Arnskronians did.   During his upbringing within the House, Serkon would be lashed with a spiked whip for questioning the infallible word of the Elven Holy Scriptures. He found no connection to the deep-rooted Elvish culture as he was merely a human with a considerably shorter lifespan, and wished to know why he was being subjected to the teachings of preserving this religious order over the progression of medicines, magic, and traditions of old. For that, he remains scarred physically from the numerous floggings he received.   As he slowly reached adulthood, he uncovered a slightly charred book that survived a pyre. Within it contained arcane lore, to which he was instantly infatuated with, and began uncovering more and more literature with help from the underground society of illegal magi.   However, after years of secretly learning from these detested tomes, with countless notes and diaries compiled on the works from which they were sourced, his studies were thwarted by circumstance. As he was hesitantly praying to the Elvish Gods, some of his fellow "brothers" were in the process of cleaning the dorms, where upon they found his works. Instantly, they brought it to the attention of the Bishop, who accused Serkon of witchcraft and blasphemy.   Sentenced to hang by the neck until dead under monastic decree, Serkon was prepared to say goodbye to the cruel, tasteless land of Arnskrone forever. That was until a passing Lodge Alchemist saved his life with a vial of acid, by launching it against the rope causing it to corrode and break loose the victimised Serkon.   As the guards encroached on his location, the Alchemist aided Serkon's escape, following with him as far as he could take him. Unfortunately, by the time Serkon had made it through the gates, the guards had already speared the Alchemist, who fell just at the exit, almost free. In the stranger's last dying moments, they passed a small brooch to Serkon and tiredly spoke of the location of the Lodge of Alchemists before succumbing to their wounds.   Hesitating, Serkon almost was struck with a spear, causing his instincts to reignite, causing him to flee from the "Great City". He travelled to the realm of Ebonmounte, through dangers untold by the close-minded House of Knowledge, giving him a souvenir of his journey.   When he reached the Lodge, they brought him in, understanding the circumstances of his arrival - the brooch firmly grasped in his frost-bitten, bloodied hands. There, he learned all that he had wanted back in Arnskrone, taking a love to the history and culture of the arcane traditions. The members of the Lodge saw him as their lore master, to which they called him their "Archivist". A few years of teaching and practice within the Lodge, he left to seek work further South.   His voyage ending in Midfort, at the Athenaeum, where Emmi von Doogletrick brought him into the chaotically organised and under-maintained building. At the first moment he entered, he began organising, cleaning, and categorising the many scriptures that lay within the dusty shelves. Emmi hired him immediately after his first three shelves were completely reorganised.   He has remained there ever since, growing fond of those around him, and the locals becoming almost as close to him as family.

Gender Identity

He identifies as male.


Serkon has remained abstained from relationships all of his life.


Serkon was educated in the House of Knowledge in Arnskrone, where he was mentored in the teachings of history, religion, and medicine. He, however, sought a cause in the arcane, and studied illegal tomes in secret.


Serkon is currently employed at the Midfort Athenaeum as an Archivist, having been employed for 30 years, he is well-respected.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Serkon has been well-regarded by the Midfort community as an eclectic curator, amassing many niche tomes, novels, and journals, compiling them into organised shelves in the Athenaeum.
  • He has managed to self-teach himself over the course of his life in the ways of arcane traditions, gaining an insightful knowledge on enchantments, alchemy, and historical artefacts.
  • Serkon reformed the Athenaeum into an organised floor space for those seeking knowledge, with all books kept in categories, alphabetical order, and maintaining ancient texts by locking them behind display cases.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • He once tried to test a wizard in a spell duel, when he was simply a novice to the arts. He was defeated by a simple Hold Person spell, and had to endure the ensuing laughter from the crowds.
  • Serkon accidentally misplaced a priceless book, believing that he had burned it in a fire during a cold winter back in 1627. However, after one week of searching, he discovered that it had been catalogued and placed on a shelf the same day he misplaced it, and that the book he burned was simply his to-do lists.
  • He once tried to make an item known as the Eyes of Minute Seeing, however, he instead misread the book due to two pages being stuck together, and now has a very handy pair of spectacles that allows him to read any language a few times a day.

Mental Trauma

His studies of the arcane in the House of Knowledge were uncovered by fellow colleagues when they were cleaning the dormitories. All of the work and tomes that he had compiled were burned and he was lynched for his blasphemy and witchcraft. He survived due to a passing Lodge Alchemist throwing a vial of acid against the rope. He now has a deep fear of religious fanatics and keeps to himself, away from Arnskronian culture.

Intellectual Characteristics

Serkon is incredibly knowledgeable of historical works, of both fact and fiction, arcane journals, and current working writers. He has wisdom that surpasses many of the Athenaeum, being spatially aware, insightful, and incredibly fast at recalling pages from any book in the library.

Morality & Philosophy

"There is much to be learned about the world, I fear if I stop now, I'd simply cease to have purpose in this life. For knowledge condemned me but saved my soul, for that, I dedicate all to serve those who seek enlightenment."


As much as he does not wish to talk of it, he once spilled a bottle of alchemical acid in the staff room of the Athenaeum, which is located at the top floor... It melted through all four floors beneath it, but luckily missed any shelves of books.

Personality Characteristics


To become a great and revered mage, with a plethora of students to teach. Yet none have come to him, seeing him only as a glorified librarian.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Serkon is a keen minded man with the skills of arcane history at his behest, making him capable of professionally producing all manner of magical wares. The only downside, he's busy 16 hours out of the day.
  • He can maintain a social conversation amongst strangers for about 3 minutes before aborting mission. He prefers the company of those he knows well, and trusts them enough to introduce him to the right people.

Likes & Dislikes

  • He loves a clean, organised space, with everything coordinated in a legible fashion. Serkon also loves alone time, where he can sit on his chair, read a book, and sip on a nice cup of hot cocoa before bed.
  • He despises disorder, violence, religious fanatics, dry cakes, and busy social spaces. Especially the dry cakes.

Virtues & Personality perks

He is a very patient man, garnered over years of study. He knows that many who come to him for advice do not know the entirety of what he knows, but he will tell you how you can learn more. Serkon has been considered the kindly grandfather of the Athenaeum, and of Midfort for that matter, keeping people as happy as possible without straining his social anxiety with busy places.

Vices & Personality flaws

Many people know that he at times struggles with illness, but perks up really quickly, but there is concern that one day an illness may take him away from his precious livelihood.

Personality Quirks

Strangely, when he is frustrated, embarrassed, or surprised, his goatee will split down the centre, curling up into an almost an octopus-like shape.


As a man with an obsession with order and cleanliness, Serkon ensures that he bathes every morning and evening, cleaning his clothes on a regular basis to maintain an image of sharpness and professionalism to guests at the Athenaeum.


Contacts & Relations

  • Emmi von Doogletrick, colleague and owner of the Midfort Athenaeum
  • Zygmeyer "Ziggy" Drungweld, friend and fellow Lodge Member
  • Kaleidan Constell, friend and sorcerer to the Chapel of Sune

Family Ties

Serkon does not know who his true family is, and if he found them, they would surely be gone by now.

Religious Views

Serkon upholds the local religion of Sune, for he seeks only the love and compassion of the locals, and hopes that they will one day seek him out for the knowledge he holds.

Social Aptitude

"What is this social life you speak of? I fear I have not read enough about conversing with large conglomerates of fellow folks to know how to interact. I shall simply stick to my books, for that is all I have ever known to do me good."


Serkon is very warm and inviting in his speech and gestures, wishing not to strike fear into the hearts of those who need his help. He will often doff his spectacles and smile at the person who wishes to speak with him, talking in an almost casual, yet studious, verse.

Hobbies & Pets

He is into the arts: music, painting, literature, theatrical performances. He also enjoys drafting fun and interesting instruments from his small workshop. But, most of all, he simple enjoys the company of silence, besides a roaring fire. Some question the amount of cats he owns, but little do they know, they are all familiars he has bound to the place to stop thieves.

Wealth & Financial state

From his years of scrupulous saving and work, he has a small fortune in which to pursue his dream. Yet, still he wishes to save it, so that another person may benefit as well from it.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Senior Archivist of the Midfort Athenaeum
Year of Birth
1592 66 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Left at the doorstep of a chapel
Current Residence
Willett House, Huckleberry Lane, Midfort
Jet black, soft and wise
Bald, asides a black pointed goatee
148 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"SHHHH! This is a place of learning, not gossip-mongering."
Known Languages
Serkon fluently speaks Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Orcish, Halfling, Gnomish, and Draconic.
Character Prototype
Sir Patrick Stewart

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