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Sozomul Lycidas

Sozomul Mordecai Azerrad Cain Lycidas (a.k.a. Sozomul of Cannach)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is in relatively good physical condition, for a human that is. For a Higher Vampire, he is underweight, lethargic, and considered malnourished.

Body Features

He has a few scars across his body, slightly elongated canines, and pointed fingernails.

Facial Features

His face is angular, squared off at the jaw. He has no birthmarks.

Physical quirks

Stretches hand and clenches it when frustrated or agitated.

Special abilities

Has the ability to transform into a gaseous form to travel, disperse into a cloud of bats, and can morph his body into its true form.

Apparel & Accessories

Commonly wears dark attires, but will sometimes adorn a lighter shade of clothing for important meetings.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sozomul was raised in a noble family, and had high expectations of him from birth. Getting through his education, he began to uncover his love of mathematics and business development. After his seemingly endless attempts to qualify to be a certified mathematician amongst the Royal Society of Alchemists, he used this newfound recognition to spark his first delve into the silver industry.   Silver seemed to of have been on the rise, in light of the recent deaths in Cannach, the Ganerian Port Town, in which he lived, and so now seemed a better time than ever. Little did young Sozomul realise the culprit of these murders until she hovered over him in his bed.   This beast, Nashandra, a Higher Vampire, imbued the vampiric curse to Sozomul unintentionally. He had struck back with a silver candelabra to try and knock her away, but the blood of the blow splashed into his mouth, poisoning his body and soul.   Never had his body, mind, nay spirit anticipate the torturous transformation that came that night. Cold sweats, shivers, intense burning, loss of breath and heartbeat, and an insatiable appetite for blood.   For a while, he feasted on his staff, draining every inch of life from their bodies, but couldn't come to kill a child that worked as his bootblack. It was then he came to the realisation that he needed to break away from this violent norm. He starved himself crazy for days, weeks, and months on end, so he could protect those around him.   Before he could no longer take the pain of hunger, a stranger approached him in his home, with a remedy to his condition. It was no concoction nor paste, but the water of an expensive Nexalian fruit... A coconut.   He invested heavily in these fruits, and drank their water, finding his thirst for blood sated.   He has since employed a full house of staff, and expanded his business to the gemstone industry, and textiles, making him extremely wealthy in wartime Novaria.

Gender Identity

He identifies as male.


Sozomul has yet to reveal this to the world.


Higher College of Cannach, Masters in Advanced Mathematics and Business Strategy.


Sozomul is self-employed and extremely successful.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Sozomul has successfully ran three businesses simultaneously: a silver mine, a gemstone mine, and a textiles shop. Each of them brings him a trove of wealth. He has also aided in the destruction of the Higher Vampire, Nashandra, by advising the Phantoms.

Failures & Embarrassments

He has accidentally fallen in his silver mine, badly burning his body.

Mental Trauma

He is mentally afflicted by the memory of slaughtering his whole head of staff, and coming close to butchering a child.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sozomul is statistical, analytical, cunning, and determined.

Morality & Philosophy

"Be unlike those around you. Be strange, be wild, be yourself."


Massacred his entire house staff.

Personality Characteristics


To finally sell of his businesses and retire to Aldmeria.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Sozomul is a masterful businessman, genius mathematician, and a pro at Dragonchess. He is terrible at date nights, bingo, and knitting.

Likes & Dislikes

He enjoys a fine vintage wine and a rich cheese, but, unlike most vampires, despises the taste of blood.

Virtues & Personality perks

Friendly, charismatic, and a great crafted of plans and plots.

Vices & Personality flaws

He is a rampant wine and cheese snob, don't try to outsmart him, you might find yourself with a stranger haunting your room. He also has a fear of many religious folk, but makes exceptions to some who don't pose a threat.

Personality Quirks

He often will knock on somebody's door but will open it from the inside if nobody answers, but only if he knows the person.


He keeps himself clean at all times, and doesn't even have a spec of dirt under his nails. He often smells like cloves and citrus fruits.


Contacts & Relations

The Phantoms - Business associates and well-regarded allies. Kaliel Fenmore (deceased) - Old friend Azure Kodraine - Business partner and friend.

Family Ties

All of Sozomul's family has died.

Social Aptitude

As a vampire, he is extremely confident and charming, drawing in clients and friends to his vibrant aura. He is well-versed in noble etiquette and vocabulary, and blends in marvellously to masquerade balls.


"Rather..." "Perhaps..." "If I may...". He will often approach with his hands to his side, or behind him, depending on how threatened he feels.

Hobbies & Pets

Spends most evenings in the local winery, taste-testing the latest plonk.

Wealth & Financial state

Sozomul has multiple vaults dedicated to his wealth, and some have estimated him to be Novaria's only billionaire. His manor alone is worth 500,000gp, and his businesses amass over 25,000gp per day (before taxes and expenses).
1123 1152 29 years old
Cannach, Ganeria, Novarian Empire
Current Residence
Cannach, Ganeria, Novarian Empire
Red, lightless
Black, swept back, well kempt
110 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Ancient Vampire, and Undercommon.

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