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The Black Watch

Under the shadow of the red banners of the Novarian Empire hide the elusive and powerful Black Watch, the Emperor's most trusted enforcers. Renowned for their secrecy and determination to complete missions, the Black Watch has gained a reputation across the Empire and the warring realm of Kagarra as hunters of both mortals and of ancient secrets. Founded by the most unexpected of individuals, their mission is to complete the Emperor's domination of the Known World, and with only Kagarra its main opposition, their work has only begun.



The Black Watch is thought to have between 30-50 operational agents at any given region across the Empire. In Kagarra alone, only 30 are know about. Information regarding their exact numbers is secretive, to say the least, but those who have made calculated guesses have estimated at least 240 operatives; 60 commanders, 180 agents - always operating in teams of 4.


Each Black Watch agent comes equipped with a unique set of dark studded leather armour, often enchanted with minor stealth charms to enhance their undetectability. Also, in addition to this, they carry medical equipment that contains potent herbal salves and potions, as well as a ring that acts as a last resort if captured.


Each agent carries a magical longsword and shortsword, which they are trained to operate in a dual wield fashion. This is to enable them the ability to disable foes through disarmament and devastating CQC, whilst maintaining manouvreability. Yet, there are some who have developed skills in a varied arsenal of weaponry. These range from hook blades, wristbows, explosives, and on a few occasions - firearms.   As many have branched out to diversify their killing potential, those who are loyal to the blades granted to them have sought to enhance their weapons with enchantments that can inflict even more damage. This has been seen across the Empire and the Kagarran Front as poison, bleeding, and in one instance - vorpality.


The Black Watch do not currently have any distinctive mode of transport that onlookers have seen, but they can traverse long distances without tarry. Some have been known to ride steeds, some using teleportation, and some using their enhanced armour to boost endurance and speed to cover their journey.


On the field, the Black Watch operates as splinter teams of four - three operatives and a commander. Rarely are they seen separated. They communicate through a hive mind spell that is etched in arcane ink across their bodies, which was created, and maintained, by a powerful mage in the Empire.   The teams have the power of authority under the guise of the Emperor's command to procure any and all resources from any Novarian legions to complete their mission. Often met with resistance from commanding officers, they have the ability to have opposition deposed or executed for obstruction of the Emperor's Will.


Never without the element of surprise, the Black Watch is notorious for ambushes and rapid dispatching of foes. Commonly forming into a diamond formation, operators at the fore and commander at rear, they will quickly disperse and encompass their foes - ensuring panic and mistakes root themselves within their targets. Terrain can influence their ability to attack, with steep and rocky terrain causing many of the diamond tactics to fail - which lets them fall to a failsafe formation that is pre-planned.


Each agent of the Black Watch goes through rigorous training, including weapons and armour mastery. Between all of this, however, is intense brainwashing methods that breaks down the ego, leaving behind a husk of an individual that is no longer autonomous. Due to this, none of the Watch members are truly responsible for what they do, for whoever is at the top pulls the strings and drives the individual trapped inside further from their own humanity.
Covert Ops
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation

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