The Night Vale Geographic Location in Eurithan | World Anvil
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The Night Vale

Beyond conquest, beyond grasp, the Night Vale lies in wait.

Created by Mu
Tales of old have spoke of a place where the Gods converge for counsel, a land forged by the meeting of the planes. It does not exist, yet remains to be found by mortal hands. Those in search of it need only surrender, for it will never show to those in search of glory, or so the legends foretold.   Hidden behind a facade of wonder, guarded by a beast of old, the Night Vale lies in wait. To the gates of a land impossible to truly comprehend, it is only to be faced by those in search of themselves, for they do not seek glory or wealth.   To get there, nobody knows. By land, by sea, by air? Perhaps not. Sailors, explorers, and aerial travellers have searched since the day it landed in the tomes of knowledge, but it is yet to have been touched by civilisation. People that have ventured forth to find it, with scraps of falsehoods and misinterpreted maps find themselves lost, eternal. No way home, no way forward, caught in an endless riptide that calls to the guardian that lies in wait.   In the final spoken word of this place, a legend for a child's bedtime, they tell it to be a graveyard of seafarers, a skeleton of curiosity, and a desecration of wonder. Many have been felled by the journey to seek this place, and those who may succeed, need only know how truly worthy they are.   So, it begs the final question:  
Am I worthy?


Beyond the Gates of Virtues, lies the Night Vale - a rocky formation, climbing upwards to a peak. Believed to be a converging of the planar lands, this place is a focal point of the cosmos. The moon is ever looming, centred at the peak of a mountainous spire of rocks and cliff sides, full and silvery, glistening against a waterfall that dances down towards a fissure in the ground that seems to fall off into a never-ending inferno.   Natural formations of steps appear to of have been meticulously crafted by a divine hand, as no tools have cracked the surfaces. If one ascends the first flight of stairs, they are met with a pool of dark, crystalline water that glows radiantly as it basks in the moon's light, creating crystal clear reflections of those who gaze upon it.   Beyond the pool lies another set of steps that drop off to a jagged natural stone formation that ascends to a natural stone path that curls and sways up to the top of the Night Vale.   Nobody has told of what lies at the peak, some say it is the gift of enlightenment by the Pantheon of the Gods, some say it is riches of unimaginable proportion, but what truly awaits, nobody knows. Perhaps if one brave enough to challenge the Vale succeeds, maybe, just maybe, the world will find out.
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