The Seven Seekers Organization in Eurithan | World Anvil
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The Seven Seekers

The Seven Seekers of the Dawnfather fight to curb the apocalypse, The End of Days, where the most evil deities across the Cosmos.   The original seven; Hromir Garland, Indra Stormborne, Tif Arelost, Annyliese Yutea, Pikse Quikle, Tobias Takanome, and Akara Takanome; fought to stop the War of the Colossus together, under the blessing of the Creator of All Things, Himself.   They disbanded after the war concluded, leaving themselves to their own vices, but they left on a blood bond - to band together when the signs of the End are appearing.   In that, they left with a pained expression and a tear in their eyes... Well, except Hromir, the stubborn hard-ass that he was. Since this time, the Seekers have grown, gotten stronger, learned and taught, but still they are in fear that their progress won't be enough to stop what's to come.   But, something from the shadows has been killing the Seekers in recent years. All that remains are Indra, Tif, Tobias, and Akara. Somebody or something has been assassinating the immortal warriors, and it is only a matter of time before there are none left.   Then who is to defend the world from the evil that awaits?


There are a few things things that define the Seekers' hierarchy: The Dawnfather, The Seekers, duty, responsibility, and personal goals.   It goes as follows:
  • The Dawnfather
  • The Seekers
  • Duty and responsibility
  • Personal lives
  • Public Agenda

    The Seekers, from the words of the Dawnfather, have taken it upon themselves to stop the rise of world-ending beings. These beings consist of Atra Mors and the Dark Ones, the Colossus, and the Order of the Shroud.   They have connections in high places, yet not many know who or what the Seekers are.


    The Seekers work individually, they have their own money, equipment, and dwellings. The combined wealth of the Seekers and their assets amasses to around 30,000,000gp (30 million gold pieces). The wealthiest of the Seekers is Seeker Tif, a Wizard schooled in the arts of Transmutation. She owns real estate, alchemy farms, and provides tutelage to budding mages.


    The history of the Seekers is steeped in legend, myth, and is held in much speculation. They came around during the War of the Colossus and aided the mortal folk to defeat the greatest threat: the Order of the Shroud and the Colossus.   Seven unique mortals from across the chartered world, chosen by the Dawnfather, Himself. Together, they faced the 12 Labours; 12 great beasts that the Seekers must overcome to reach the gate to the Dawnfather's Kingdom - The Night Vale.   With their otherness, they struggled against the First Labour - a Dracolich - with their lack of teamwork. Hromir Garland, with his might and size, wrestled the monster to the ground and allowed Indra Stormborne to fire a devastating shot into the creature's skull. The beast fell, and the First Labour was complete.   They soon fought off the remaining Labours, and met the Dawnfather in all of His glory. From there, they were granted immortality, and set out to guide the forgers of the Vestiges of Power and the mortals destined to wield them; including some of their own.   Once the war had ended, they split, looking for a place in the world. Some found allegiances with other Gods, and the others found their search of power easier with the blessing of immortality.   Today, they are seeing the signs of The End of Days, and are slowly banding together again.


    The Seven Seekers disbanded after Gorivax was defeated twenty years ago, at Fort Blackwater.

    Demography and Population

    There were seven Seekers, now there are only four, the other three dead by unknown means. There are some myths that there was an eighth, but nobody knows.
    Secret, Religious sect
    Alternative Names
    The Seekers
    Controlled Territories

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