Vincent Vancent Character in Eurithan | World Anvil
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Vincent Vancent

Guildmaster Vincent Valentine Vancent (a.k.a. Silver Shadow)

"Don't fight for empires. They don't care about you. Don't fight for ideals, for only darkness waits that way. Fight for your friends, fight for your family. For they share your struggles, and they will be the only ones to mourn you when you pass."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

An older gentleman, but still in excellent shape, as well as possessing excellent finesse and flexibility with stamina to match.

Body Features

Tan weather-beaten skin, wrinkles, numerous scars, black stain over his heart, visible black arteries.

Facial Features

Salt and pepper hair and beard. Scar across nose.

Identifying Characteristics

Scar from Toll the Dead from his battle with Nashandra.

Physical quirks


Specialized Equipment

Glamoured Studded Leather armor (Changes form at will), Longbow & Arrows, Tanegashima, Quad Shot Revolver.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vincent is a man who has lived too long and seen too much. He was yet another soldier in a family of soldiers who had the tendency to never come back from whatever new conflict that had occurred in Novaria. His Father died in war, and his Father's Father died in war and Vincent was sure that he was going to be no different. Vincent has fighting ever since he was 16 summers old.   Vincent has experienced the horrors of battle and the sights of man's inhumanity to man. He has seen it all Murder, Torture, Starvation, thirst, rape and slaughter. There was something about war that brought out the worst in people. It was bad enough when fighting other races like Orcs or Giants but the vast majority of the combat Vincent has seen was against his fellow man.   Vincent has watched as the men he fought with yesterday would become enemies by tomorrow. Vincent remembers when he had saved a man's life during one season only to shoot him then next. Vincent grew tired of war and settled down and married in his 26th year.   Married life was short however as he was conscripted just after his first son was born. Vincent left and returned from the battlefield in a on-off period for the next twenty years. Just staying long enough to father another child. His family expanded to three sons and four daughters. But then time came for another draft and his oldest son joined the military. Vincent's heart never ached so much.   Vincent's first son Vance fought in his first battle in his father's 48th year, and never returned. After his son's death his wife died just a year later of heart break. His other children had found their own ways to avoid the conscription. Vincent's second Son Victor became a wizard and was able to avoid the draft, Vincent's third son Vaughn married the daughter of wealthy merchant managing to bribe his way out of the draft. Vincent's daughters Valerie, Vanessa, Victoria, and Violet were women and thus normally aren't drafted for war.   With his wife gone and his children grown and away Vincent was at his loneliest. So he returned once more to yet another of his country's wars. Because war is his only friend and the battlefield is the closest thing he has to a home now.

Gender Identity



Vincent is heterosexual


Novarian Army Basic Training, Advanced Training, and Basic Officer training.


Vincent once served in the Novarian Army, but now works as a Guildmaster for The Phantoms of Rivenhollow.

Accomplishments & Achievements

40 years of combat in the Novarian Regulars. Founding Member of the Phantoms Guild. Defeated Nashandra, the Vampire Necromancer.

Failures & Embarrassments

His dumbass sons keep signing up and joining the Novarian Military.

Mental Trauma

Afraid of Toll the Dead, Demons, Intelligent Undead, doesn't trust most forms of arcane magic. Highly suspicious of most forms of divine magic.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tactical intellect and naturally curious.

Morality & Philosophy

Follows a code of ethics.   Generally a Good person.   Combat Pragmatist.


Try to avoid using magic if mundane options are available and reasonable.

Personality Characteristics


Fights for the people he cares about.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Excellent Shot   Pretty good at brewing beer   Amateur Tinkerer   Knows how to pick locks and pockets.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Family, Friends, Beer, Guns, Weapons, Gold   Dislikes: Magic, Undead, Demons, Evil People, Formal Wear

Virtues & Personality perks

Brave, Skilled, Wise, Good Leader, Good Shot, Good Fighter, Sneaky

Vices & Personality flaws

Distrusts Magic and those who use it   Cold to strangers   Bit of a control freak


Cleaned and Well groomed between missions. Not so well groomed when on the job.


Contacts & Relations

Phantoms Guild- Guildmaster   Azure Kodraine- Friend   Kaliel Fenmore- Friend (Deceased)

Family Ties

Valentina Vancent - Wife (deceased)   Vance Vancent - Oldest Son   Victor Vancent - Second Son   Vaughn Vancent - Youngest Son   Valerie Vancent - Oldest Daughter   Vannessa Vancent - Second Daughter   Victoria Vancent - Third Daughter   Violet Vancent - Youngest Daughter

Religious Views

Vincent has abandoned the Gods as the Gods have abandoned Urithan.

Social Aptitude

Calm and Confident.   Commands an aura of respect.   Formal and Rigid to authority.   Warm to friends.

Hobbies & Pets

Brews his own beer.   Target Practice


Respectful with a tendency to use racial slurs. Usually out of ignorance but will openly use them if said enemy is worthy of the term.

Wealth & Financial state

He is the master of guild with a rather large treasury but he makes a distinct difference between guild finances and his own. He carries around 1000gp at anytime to deal with expenses. Most of his funds go either to the guild bank or to his son Victor's college fees.
Year of Birth
1582 76 Years old
Tredgar, Novaria, Novarian Empire
Current Residence
Fort Blackwater, Lake Blackwater, Rivenhollow, Ganeria, Novarian Empire
Brown, Haggard
Short, salt and pepper
175 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Vancent Family Shooting".   "Appropriate Racial Slur against enemy"
Known Languages
Common, Undercommon, Orcish, Elvish, Giant (Mostly Insults), Thieves Cant
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
Clint Eastwood

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