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Vordak Silverton

The shield that never wavers

Created by Mu

Ser Vordak Urvek Silverton (a.k.a. The Ever Shield)

A hero of old, lost to time in a mysterious storm. Some thought him dead, but little did they know, he has outlived them all.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vordak was in immense physical shape, being a large, hulking mass of muscle (380 lbs/172kg) and intellect made him a formidable opponent and a trustworthy ally.

Body Features

Dynamite red scales, battle scars across his back, chest, and left arm.

Facial Features

Muscular, toned, and covered with small horny protrusions. He has two large horns that protrude from the back of his head.

Identifying Characteristics

His shield is his most identifying feature.

Physical quirks

Always stands at attention, his left arm always in front, in a defensive pose.

Special abilities

Vordak, with his draconic ancestry, could breathe a blast of white hot flames. He was also a great healer, and outclassed the best clerics at the time.

Apparel & Accessories

Heavy plate armour adorned with protective pauldrons, holy colours, and furs.

Specialized Equipment

Vordak specialised in all armours and shield types, as well as simple weapons. He was in the process of learning to handle martial weapons from the Atlesen member, Fel'nbjor, a Battle Master, but the training was cut short due to Vordak's disappearance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vordak had a strange experience through his life. In his early life he was scorned by the villagers he lived amongst, as were his family, for being descendant of Red Dragons - most specifically, Gorivax The Infernal.   He defended his family and following of his faith in the lesser God, Helm, and furthered his studies to become a Cleric amongst the village of Ket Merrik, which still exists today, but villager perceptions never ceased. Despite many locals falling victim to war wounds and fever, he was denied to treat their ails solely because of his bloodline. So, the villagers slowly perished, and became so desperate for healing, they had no choice but to ask Vordak for his healing hands.   Despite him being shunned by the villagers most of his life, he never once was embittered by their words, and was more than willing to aid in the desperate time. The ealdorman and the rest of the village elders declared Vordak and his family as one of the people, granting them the home they deserved for the services they provided.   When the drums of war rolled, Vordak went to the front lines as a battle medic, healing and empowering his allies and smiting his foes. He came across the Battle of the Frostclad, a battle against the Shroud Dragon, Kos the Defiled. In which, he lost his right arm, traumatising him and dampening his healing powers for a time.   He learned to adapt, and instead of curling up and crying over spilled milk... Or blood... He turned to his tower shield as a symbol of faith, and upon it, painted the Holy Symbol of Helm upon it, granting him his powers once again.   A band of adventurers, heroes of the lands at the time, The Atlesen, fought alongside Vordak for some time, to some of the definitive battles of the War of the Colossus, until he mysteriously vanished one day, amidst a strange storm.   Presumed dead, the adventurers had to continue on without him, and his story was believed to be at an end.   What they didn't realise was that was merely one chapter closing and another opening...

Gender Identity





Temple of Helm, Ket Merrik


  • Village of Ket Merrik, Nexalia - Village Healer
  • Cidloth's Resistance - Battle Medic
  • The Atlesen - Cleric

Accomplishments & Achievements

Overcame adversity in his home village, becoming the local healer. Fought in the Battle of the Frostclad. Journeyed alongside The Altesen adventurers' guild.

Failures & Embarrassments

Lost many lives despite his intense medical attention.

Mental Trauma

Lost his arm in the Battle of the Frostclad, and had to learn to adapt through sheer willpower.

Intellectual Characteristics

Wise, friendly, charitable, brave, virtuous, and driven.

Morality & Philosophy

"Heal those in need, friend or foe, for friends now may become enemies, and enemies - friends."


Has treated a warlord's wounds, but laced the ointments he gave that warlord with hemlock.

Personality Characteristics


To protect all under Helm's ever-watching gaze.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Vordak was a great medic and can patch up wounds with natural resources with ease. On top of that, he was versed in most of the Helm Scriptures, and knew most of the healing spells of the time. Despite all of this, he is terrible in social situations, and can never seem to persuade a merchant for a lower price... And never, ever, ask him to sing karaoke... Like ever.

Likes & Dislikes

Loved reading his holy scriptures, polishing his armour, and repainting his holy symbol. He disliked embellishing in alcohol and narcotics, and found most taverns and inns distasteful, but full of potential.

Virtues & Personality perks

Generous, courteous, chaste, chivalrous and pious.

Vices & Personality flaws

Often gets lost in though and the glory of adventure, often misreading situations, which can at times lead to trouble.

Personality Quirks

When he burps, small spouts of flames hiccup out.


Vordak is immensely clean, for he believes that he should be as clean as Helm's gilded armour.


Family Ties

  • Mu'ulra Silverton - Mother
  • Galdyr Silverton - Father

Religious Views

Vordak strongly believed in the Way of Protection, the religion of Helm. He was zealous in his beliefs, and came across as close-minded, but he was very open to new ways of thinking if pushed enough.

Social Aptitude

Vordak was as socially adept as a snapped wooden spoon that's been tossed into a dying campfire, according to one of The Atlesen members.


Vordak was very pronounced, proud, and encouraging in his manners, almost knight-like.

Hobbies & Pets

He had a hobby of collecting small cacti in old jam jars, he also had a knack for Dragonchess, but was deemed "too beefy" to play with the small chess pieces.


His voice is deep, educated, and well-pronounced.

Wealth & Financial state

He was moderately wealthy, but gave it away to charity and to fund his local temple. He would rarely hold more that 50gp.
Current Location
2107520 2107467 53 years old
Ket Merrik, Nexalia, pre-Novarian Empire
Current Residence
Obsidian Black, soft
380 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"That is not the Silverton way" - In response to unholy deeds. "BATHE IN THE LIGHT!" - Casting Flame Strike. "May Helm guide us on the path of righteousness and protect those we love most." - At the start of any new adventure. "Mors Mihi Lucrum" - When below 25% health. "BEGONE, FOUL SPAWN!" - Channel Divinity: Destroy Undead. "THE FLAMES OF HEAVEN PURGE THE SHADOWS OF HELL!" - Channel Divinity: Destroy Undead.
Known Languages
Draconic, Common, Celestial, and Infernal

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