The Creators choose their champions, to guide the mortals into independence and growth.
In a time of chaos and strife, the Creators reached out to their chosen Godseekers. With it, They contacted 7 gifted children over His world. These children moved on through their lives, honing their skills, and eventually being tested in their powers, will, and endurance. In their prime, they were given the task of defeating ungodly beasts known as the Twelve Labours. They succeeded, and made their way to The Night Vale, a place where they encountered the final Labour, and struggled to overcome it. But, in the end, they succeeded, scarred, bloodied, bashed. The portal sprung to life, and through it did these champions walk. They found themselves at the God King's Throne, amidst the cosmos itself - the heart of it all. There, they became Seekers. There, they became legend.