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Eurithan Timeline

The entire history of the world, condensed, up to the present day.

Age of Emergence

Year 1 - Year 1000

The Creator Gods surrendered their leader to oblivion, so that the lands could grow from their flesh, the rivers flow from their blood, and the rain pour from their eyes. So it was that Eurithan was forged, in glorious misery and suffering.

  • 0 AE

    100 AE

    Eurithan Forms
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The leader of the Creator Gods, known today as the Dawnfather, was surrendered to the Formless Primordial - a creature that formed the Multiverse. Seeing this sacrifice as worthy of life, the Primordial carved the flesh, let the blood, and gathered the tears of the Dawnfather to mold the world of Eurithan.   The world was boiling and hostile for twenty years, untouched by the cooling blood of the Creator God. The Primordial bathed the flames, forming the seas, the rivers, and the lakes. The skies followed with a pouring of the divine's tears, crystallising into snow that blanketed the world.   With almost nothing left to give, the Dawnfather offered their eyes to form the Twin Moons, Aventus and Lune. Their heart granted to burn as the sun, providing life to all in its wake. With what little remained of the divine corpse, the Primordial scattered his skeleton across the system to form the planets, and fertilise them with its own power.   Life would emerge on the turn of the century, forged by the remaining Creators; beasts, humanoids, and the monsters of the night.

  • 100 AE

    500 AE

    Rise of the Colossi
    Geological / environmental event

    As the world of Eurithan finally settled its fresh lands and seas, the remnants of the Formless Primordial's power began to gather in the elements of the world. This power, only a thimble full, formed new life in the form of the Elemental Colossi - gargantuan ageless beings whose bodies were manifested of fire, earth, air, and water.   Trapped in the Material Plane, with no true course of action, their wills became their own, and decided to rule over the primal civilisations of the world. Worshipped as wrathful gods, the people of Eurithan would pay tribute to each of these majestic and indomitable creatures, however, the Colossi grew more impatient with the petty gifts, and their rage grew over the years.   After 500 years of being considered gods, their innate and uncontrollable fury got the best of them all, and they turned against their followers. With no course but to protect themselves, the "little folk" of Eurithan decided to take up arms to fend off these unstoppable elementals.   Thus began the War of the Colossus.

  • The Dawn of Magic
    The War of the Colossus
    Disaster / Destruction

    The War of the Colossus ensued as the Elemental Colossi fought against the mortal beings of the lands they ruled, only to met with resistance from their victims and a new kind of beast - dragons. These dragons would vie for control over the Colossi's land and riches, and became an important distraction for the mortal beings of Eurithan as they plotted their next move.   Nearing extinction, the mortals beseeched their Creators, of whom had been in a great slumber for centuries, and in response, they awoke to lay seeds of their power throughout all of nature. With visions in the minds of these Godseekers, they sought this power, becoming the first magi and "adventurers" in existence.   All that was left to do was to forge weapons powerful enough to slay Dragons and Colossi.

  • The Children of Immortals
    Formation of the Seekers

    The Creators choose their champions, to guide the mortals into independence and growth.

  • The New Arcana
    The Convergence Event
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The War of the Colossus had shaken the foundations of the Multiverse, the immeasurable power of the Colossi ringing out against the walls of their prison as they collided with the might of Dragons. The walls caved in, releasing the chaos of the parallel worlds upon the Material Plane.

  • Wielding the Convergence
    The First Curiosities
    Artistic creation

    Weapons fit to slay creatures of myth that stuck fear into the hearts of even the Gods themselves. Forged from the powers left behind from the Convergence, these artefacts would be wielded by the Seekers in hopes to bring an end to the dreadful calamity that was the War of the Colossus.

  • Discovery of the Affinities
    Arcanist's Talent

    The day a Seeker learned to ascend her mind.

  • Discovery of the Affinities
    Stormcaller's Talent

    The day a Seeker cracked a God's hide, awakening the storm within.

  • The End of War
    Anderall Fractures
    Disaster / Destruction

    The final calamity of the War of the Colossus born of a decisive battle between the Seekers and the ancient creatures that warred to rule them. The land cracked and split apart, scattering pieces of the Kingdom of Wothe and Ren to the Esmus Sea to wander until they found perches.   Witnessing this devastation, the Creator Gods cast a creation to the world to seal the remnants of their work away from the devastation, creating a jagged and deadly ring of islands around Anderall known as Nor'Jhaskar, a land of unending and blinding fog. Dural, the Fire Colossus, in reflection, retreats to the Esmus Sea to guide the fractured Kingdoms to a safe space far away from the smoldering lands he aided in creating.   With the last of their strength, the Seekers complete a ritual to banish the Dragons to the ends of the earth and the remaining Colossi to the Planes beyond.   The bells of war stop ringing. The struggle of the mortal folk has ended. Peace at last.

  • 999 AE

    1000 AE

    The Seekers Disband

    Exhausted from the events of the War of the Colossus, the Seekers decided to disband, but remained in contact in case that their services would be required again.

Age of Heroes

1001 3000

In the wake of the settling fallout from the War of the Colossus, a new age of adventure and discovery emerges.

  • Strange New World
    The Great Arrival
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The broken continent of Anderall had a strange set of arrivals in the wake of the War of the Colossus, in the form of interdimensional scars that grew into portals. From them emerged a whole host of new creatures and sentient life, of which have integrated into the world of Eurithan wholeheartedly, for better, for worse.   These Otherfolk, as they were once called, were a whole manner of strange beings, from sky-faring birdfolk to sea-dwelling merfolk, and Giants of all types, human-shaped or worm-shaped. Either way, life would adapt slowly as the land healed from the carnage, the wounds of the War and the Convergence still affecting many who survived.

  • The Kingstone Declaration
    The Founding of King's Vale

    From the cold reaches of Duraheim, the Fire Colossus, Dural, declared the first city of Kagarra. From here, civilisation was to flourish and spread across the new isle.

  • The Emperor of Fire, Crowned
    Formation of the Novarian Empire
    Diplomatic action

    As the land of Wothe settled in its final location after the ambush from Dural, the young Jarl, Conlaed Novaris declared himself Emperor. His crown forged from the fractured flesh of the Colossus and the last Queen of Wothe, he began to expand his fractured homeland.   Thus began the first steps in the creation of the largest dominion to exist in Eurithan's history.

  • The First Expedition
    The Settler's March

    After the Kingstone Declaration, the population of King's Vale began to expand to a point of discomfort. The populace took it upon themselves to begin an expedition to find arable land in which to settle upon, and thus began a long, deadly, venture to the south of Kagarra.

  • The City of Pastures
    Founding of Tanwell

    The first settlement of the Kingdom of Marlow had its foundations laid and upon it a city like no other would grow from the earth.

  • An Arcane Alliance
    Varean Joins Novaria
    Diplomatic action

    Emperor Novaris marched on the magocracy of Varean, in the attempt to expand his empire. To his surprise, found little resistance. From then on, Varean became a colony of the Empire, providing arcane services in exchange for natural resources and military assistance.

  • The Smartest Woman Alive
    The Right Hand
    Political event

    A new face within the Novarian courts, Tif Arelost - a prolific mage and mind - found herself employed under the monarch's wing as advisor. As their position was solidified, the emperor turned his attention south.

  • The Siege of Wyvern's Throat
    Niris and Erovan Joins Novaria
    Military: War

    Novaris, with his attention drawn to the southern lands of Niris and Erovan, decided to expand once again. Believing the occupation to be similar to the one encountered in Varean, sent only a small centurion of soldiers to bring the people of the Sister Lands into his growing empire. However, the reports never returned and the soldiers vanished. Yet, after a year, the Sister Lands joined the Empire.

  • Tyranny In Blue
    The Left Hand
    Political event

    After the conquering of Niris and Erovan, the people of the Sister Lands gave a gift to the Emperor, as a token of peace. This gift, an Ancient Blue Dragon known as Zeranora, was set free by Novaris under one condition - serve him and his empire until he no longer lives. The dragon, knowing well of human's short lifespans found that it was basically a win-win, and agreed using a powerful binding incantation, but realised too late that the crown upon this human's head gave him life, eternal.

  • Tyranny In Red
    The Bloody Weekend

    The council that Novaris had grown to trust began planning for his replacement due to his visible old age, searching for an heir to the throne. Novaris had many bastard children that could, only through ceremonious tradition, ascend to the throne, and as their names accumulated, their homes located, they sent out convoys to inform the families.   Yet, a great deception was at play, as Novaris wasn't as frail as he appeared, emerging from his chambers to the War Room young as ever - with the names and locations of his potential usurpers in hand. The convoys had been replaced in secret with kill squads, and thus began the mass eradication of Novaris' heirs.

  • A Divine Ruling
    Aldmeria Joins Novaria
    Military action

    Blood still fresh on his hands, Conláed turned his forces to the North, to the industrious land of Ganerion, alongside its several neighbouring lands to its east and west - Cartha, Aldmeria, and Nexalea.   First to fall to the tyrannical might of the emperor was the pious land of Aldmeria. A peaceful land of piety and communal spirits, where the governing faction was powered by celestials. These celestials, wishing to broker peace with the vile emperor, enacted a treaty that allowed occupation and integration within the empire, but was to remain its own theocracy and dictate its own laws, by the will of the Creators.

  • The Bamboo City
    Founding of Lorheim

    Amidst the tall trees and towering bamboo of the Reach began the first large settlement of its hostile landscape. The dangerous fauna that encompassed the construction claimed many, but it now stands as a proud reminder of how simple people tamed the land.

  • The Towering City
    Founding of Vathe

    The great stone walls of Vathe began to tower amongst the Mytrasian barrens after the settlers of Tanwell began to venture into the west.

  • The North, Conquered
    Ganerion Joins Novaria
    Military action

    The news of Aldmeria's fall and the grave news of the Emperor's health reached Ganerion, and they breathed a sigh of relief, for the now dying emperor could no longer conquer them. To their surprise, his forces marched onto their lands, and stormed from all corners, crippling the continent into submission.

  • The Great Carthan War
    Cartha Joins Novaria
    Military: War

    As Ganeria fell, Cartha saught to protect its borders. Fortifications erected along the coastlines, traps dug into deep wooded areas, soldiers well stocked. The people of Cartha, ruthless as the man who wished to claim them, with barbaric advancing tactics that would tear apart centurions and legions in their wake.   Yet, their strategies would only last so long, as their victories mounted they became more overconfident, confiding solely in their brute force attacks to instill fear within the ranks of the Novarians. Alas, this was to be their downfall...

  • The City of Twisted Spires
    Founding of Tehl'Dorain

    The dark history of Tehl'Dorain began in even in its foundation, with hundreds of masons and labourers dying as it began to show its twisted spires amongst the Dagralin horizons. Today it is as bloody as ever.

  • Viper-Tongued Diplomacy
    Nexalea Joins Novaria
    Military action

    The Novarians did not anticipate the dangerous lands of Nexalea, as they did the rugged landscapes of their previous expeditions. The tropical jungles that densely populated their lands brought a slew of disease, poisons, and death to the soldiers - clad in heavy, thickly padded, armour. With every step closer to the Nexalean tribal cities, the forces dwindled, overcome with dysentery and gangrenous sores.   The emperor, learning of this incursion, ventured into the jungles alone, in the hopes to broker a compromise with the tribe leaders. He was met with the same fate as his soldiers - cut down with poisonous blades. And, yet, the following months came and he returned. The Nexaleans, amazed, withheld their attacks and believed Novaris to be one of their Gods.   Novaris claimed Nexalea for his Empire, unbeknownst to the natives, and continued his search for new lands to conquer.

  • The Golden City
    Founding of Galador

    Considerably the keystone city of Kagarra, the city of Galador rose from the golden fields of Elysia, and was the last city to have its ground broken by the settlers who took the brave steps across the western realms. All that remained was to conquer the north.

  • A Land of Ruin and Plenty
    Founding of Leros

    For years, Novaris continued his search for new lands to control, to rule, to own, and found them, at last. Decades of searching, he finally dispatched his soldiers, tens of thousands in rank, to a land before the Foglands - Leros.   This hostile place was barren of life, no societies, nor fauna, yet grew from its harsh soils rare and bountiful magical herbs. Soon, without delay, the magi that followed with the troops established their hold on the land, creating its first society - The Dominion of Leros. The Emperor, impressed at the mages’ entrepreneurialism awarded them with gold to trade with the rest of the colonies, exporting vast quantities of magical components and importing the necessary materials to build upon the land.   But something lurked in the shadows of night, searching for life, hunger unfounded...

  • A Fabled Union
    Caerdynn Joins Novaria
    Diplomatic action

    Finally, the Emperor could focus his fullest attention to the last discovered land on his Empire’s borders - Caerdynn. A land filled with raucous knights and vile monsters, where valour proves itself a valuable tool in society. As the banner of the Empire approached its shores, the Great Queen of Caerdynn, Calandra, sent her noble forces to escort the troops to her capital. Whilst within the walls, she demanded to see their leader, to seek the head of their Empire. Novaris soon provided, gracing her palace with his menacing presence.   Impressed by the Queen's society, Novaris offered her entry into his Empire, with the promise to keep her lands untouched by his dominion’s laws - allowing her full autonomy of what would become a duchy.

  • The New World
    Conquering of the Fosall Archipelago
    Military action

    The kingdom of Elysia, under the watchful eye of King Azoram Galador, sent out several galleons to search for a land to call its own beyond its home. After years of travel, soldiers uncovered the stunning lands of the Fosall Archipelago, then known as the New World. With word from the king, the soldiers landed upon its crystalline shores and began their diplomatic turned military campaign to claim the land.

  • The Strange Neighbour
    Midnight's Rest Explored

    As the Age of Heroes went into full force, Elysians decided to venture to the legendarily cursed island of Midnight's Rest to the furthest north of Kagarra. There, they found the stories to be true, with bones and obsidian sands across the entire landmass, where night shone eternal. From stories, this place was known as the Isle of Bones, but its soon to be discovered inhabitant revealed the true name and their own.

  • The Second Expedition
    The North Campaign

    After the final Western city was founded, the people turned to the hostile North for expansion. Thus began the harrowing second great expedition to the lands now known as Ailnoth. Deep snow, frostbite, and magical beasts were only some of the dangers the settlers faced, but those who survived founded one of the most mystical cities in the world.

  • The Legacy of House Illyar
    Founding of Linwall

    In the effort to fortify the Kingdom of Marlow, the House of Illyar declared that the Moonless Valley have a great wall blockade the passage into the land. This was to be a two centuries long construction that resulted in the most fortified structure designed before Rockwall Prison was even conceived as an idea. Behind this wall was the construction of its maintenance city - Linwall. This wall has stood the test of time, and the city even moreso, across several civil and national wars.

  • 1435 AH

    1435 AH

    The Daybreak Event
    Disaster / Destruction

    A great celestial formation none too dissimilar to an asteroid crashed into the base of the Spine of Nalore - a grand valley peppered with razor tipped mountains that scrape the clouds - erupting with such force that the sky turned to day in the dead of night. Curious investigators moved onto the site and discovered a large rock that ejected a strange cerulean mist across the entire Spine.   This fog warped magic, disabled it, enhanced it, awakened it. Over time, the Oskeran River bled into the crater and submerged the strange space rock which pacified it for only a moment.   It is unknown where this space rock came from or what sent it, all that is known is that it houses a Power unlike anything in Kagarra.

  • 1450 AH

    1625 AH

    The Fortification of Bannerfall
    Construction beginning/end

    The isolated island of Bannerfall lay uninhabited by Kagarrans for millenia, yet, with advances in naval technology, the people managed to make it to the perilous and intimidating formation. As settlers and soldiers broke land, the groundwork for the Isle's most fortified dominion began, taking several generations to complete. However, it would not see use until the Exalted Age by the descendants of the Marlowian royal line.

The Exalted Age

3001 and beyond

The Age of Heroes ended with a whimper, and the lands are quiet, but war and devastation approaches from the horizon.

  • The Kagarran Campaign
    Novaris attacks Duraheim
    Military action

    As the Empire settled and prosperity flooded the four corners of the colonies, the Emperor now had one last thing to attend to - revenge. As the land of Kagarra came to the end of its expansion, Novaris decided to strike with as much might as he could muster across his impossibly large army, and sent forth his armada to attack the lands where Dural was known to reside - Duraheim.   This partial invasion attempt failed and left the empire short hundreds of thousands of soldiers, almost entirely bankrupt, and Novaris boiling with rage.

  • The Frozen City
    Founding of Dragonscrest

    The final city amongst mainland Kagarra to be constructed, amongst the frozen north emerged the cold, snowbound, citadel of Dragonscrest - named after the mountain it resides at the base of. A hostile land surrounding, the city now is the site of magic research and draconic magi unlike any other city in Eurithan.

  • A Clash of Titans
    The Splitting of Jinokra
    Disaster / Destruction

    During the final battle between Novaris and Dural, their battle drew them to the Spine of Nalore, close to Mount Jinokra. Their battle was so destructive that Dural conjured their weapon known as the Mountain Splitter to deal the finishing blow. This strike gravely wounded the invading Emperor and cleaved the great mountain in two. The shockwave was felt around the isle and destroyed parts of the settlement of Ashe Nalore.

  • The Cost of War
    The Pauper's Century
    Financial Event

    After the failed attack on Duraheim, and the Immortal King, Dural, the Empire found itself in the worst recession in its entire history. Without safeguards to protect assets, the millions of people across its entire controlled region fell into abject poverty with famine and homelessness becoming rife. In the final few years, the economy suddenly recovered, with the aid of a Kagarran business - Blackwood & Sons, Ltd.. Within the final stretch before Novaris would once again try to take on Dural, the Empire saw itself richer than ever before.

  • 1160 EA

    1160 EA

    Slumber of the Ancient One

    After the Battle at Mount Jinokra, the wounded and exhausted Dural found refuge in its mountainous palace to begin its 500 year hibernation as it regenerated. The palace was sealed and nobody has seen the Colossus and its revered champions since, but offerings of good health are left to the mountainous stone doors in the hope that Dural will once again emerge.

  • A Weakness Uncovered
    Discovery of Miralis' Ire
    Discovery, Exploration

    As the Pauper's Century came to its end, Novaris sought to find the weakness of his ancient foe, Dural, and had his right hand search the lands over for texts and prophecies that could give him the answer. Soon, he had his answer - Miralis' Ire, an ancient weapon forged by a cursed mind.   Deploying his most inquisitive and trusted minds to find this weapon, he had it within his grasp. Only time would tell if he could uncover it in time before the Immortal King awoke.

  • The Empty Throne
    The Fall of the House of Winter
    Political event

    For as long as Tanwell has stood, it lasted against wars and historical losses to royal lines, however, it was to be this final loss of the royal bloodline that would be the destruction of the ancient settlement. As the two sons of the House of Winter vanished, the rulers of Marlow had no heirs to turn to and soon death came for them. The resultant vacuum of power caused riots and internal conflict that tore the city asunder. All that remains is a ghost town populated by vicious bandits.

  • The Lonely Kingdom
    Foundation of Eldenhold

    The unclaimed island of Bannerfall, despite its hostile waters, fortified defences, and settled populace, had no leader. Yet, as of 1636 EA, a guild of mercenaries known as The Free Army led by Ferrian and Hess Winter, took residence on a plot of land at the centre of the isle. This makeshift town became a comfortable city within a decade through integration of trade routes and infrastructural changes. Yet, during a time of war, Bannerfall would see its use once again.

  • The Siege of First Blood
    Novaria invades the Fosall Archipelago
    Military action

    With the discovery of Miralis' Ire in Novaris' hands, and a team of dedicated scholars searching for the relic to destroy the ancient elemental, the Emperor decided to make his first advance on the Kagarran borders. His first target - the Fosall Archipelago, a land prosperous in its industry of arts and fine wine.   This advance was the first act of aggression towards the still recovering Kingdoms of Kagarra, and the first blow struck to the most powerful monarchy in Kagarra. The invasion was long and the siege finally ended in 1645 as the High Governance surrendered.

  • The Realm War Begins
    The 2nd Kagarran Campaign
    Military: War

    Novaris, after his discovery of Dural's weakness planned his final move to eliminate the last Colossus. The strategy - to invade Kagarra through the now throneless kingdom of Marlow and spread West before striking at the township of Kedvin in Duraheim.   The invasion began on the dawn of the new year of 1650 and quickly the Novarians had conquered Marlow, establishing their mother base in the fortified town of Linwall. Unknown to the soldiers, the news reached King's Vale, and the Bells of War had tolled. The resonating sound awakening the Emperor's ancient nemesis and cementing the front line's fates to the grave.

  • A Battle of Attrition
    Novarian forces move on The Reach
    Military action

    As the Novarian forces settled in Linwall and quashed sources of rebellion within Marlow's populace, the leading Generals decided to move on to the next Western kingdom - The Reach. Forces were deployed and soon the Novarians came face to face with Reacher warriors and a war of attrition began.

  • Return of the Red Death
    Gorivax Awakens
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    One mortal's flawed curiosity beckoned forth the Red Death, fulfilling Arelost's Prophecy, once and for all.

    Fort Blackwater
  • A Scorched Earth
    Novarian forces move on Mytras
    Military action

    With the mild success of The Reach Advance, the campaign Generals plotted the next phase of the Novarian invasion - move on Mytras. The first landing on the Kingdom's soil was in the township of Rothermill, and quickly after a forward operating base was established within the ancient fortress of Airchalldun.   Now fully fortified and with reinforcments arriving within the next few months, the leading officer - Legionnaire Viracci - deployed centurions West towards the true capital of Mytras, Vathe. The conflicts that ensued were short but brutal, wiping villages and towns off of the map, but at a detrimental cost to the Novarian Front.   In time, the Front will recover its power and continue its assault on the Western Front.

  • A Cure for the Red Death
    Gorivax, Banished
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Only within a year of his return to the Material Plane, the Red Death, Gorivax, was banished back to the 10th Layer of the Hells. Defeated by an army of heroes known as the Phantoms of Blackwater, the beast promised his return in the near future.   From this point on, the Phantoms of Blackwater have continued to develop their guild to defend against dangers of the world similar to the Red Death and his many followers. Now, they are the honoured heroes of the Novarian Empire.

  • Emergence of the Immortal King
    Novaria advances on Duraheim
    Military action

    As Mytras began to fall to the might of the Novarian army, the generals stationed in Marlow executed their plans to advance North into Duraheim, in the attempt to squash the local forces. Under-supplied and unconditioned to the weather, the advance was slow and suffered major losses within the first month.   But as the weather cleared in the spring months, the forces pushed further and further towards the capital, King's Vale. As the Novarians breached the township of Kedvin, the news reached King's Vale, and a unanimous vote was declared by the Pathfinder Council to ring the Bells of War. The resonating sound reverberated around the mountainous city, shaking the mountainside and disturbing Dural's slumber.   By the time the Novarian's reached King's Vale, the palace doors burst open, with the seething body of the Immortal King rampaging out with a bloodthirsty intent. There, the greatest loss of life in the Realm War would occur as hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting Novarians and Kagarrans as they witnessed the emergence of Dural.

  • Queen Tegana Cedes
    Novaria allies with Dagralin
    Political event

    In the wake of the advancement on Duraheim, and Novarians on her doorstep only one kingdom over, Queen Tegana of Dagralin announces her surrender to the Novarian Empire. With an official visit from Emperor Novaris, she signed a treaty allowing her continued control of her lands in exchange for open borders and trade.   With this, the Novarians would use Dagralin as a thoroughfare to begin their invasion of the Golden Valley. Yet, on their journeys through this strange kingdom they would see horrors unlike anything they had seen in their years of war for Queen Tegana was not a simple pushover royal, but instead a bloodthirsty sadist with a penchant for cruelty.

  • Homegrown Heroes
    The Steel-Blood Company Forms

    Forced from their original homesteads in the city of Anir, the founding members of the SBC; Korinar of Anir, Spitfire the Lionheart, Henry Dalvis, and Lucy Rifos, began to assemble a mercenary force in the township of Blindwarden, Golden Valley.   This mercenary guild would become one of the most powerful civillian armies involved in the war, alongside the Kagarran Alliance and the Dragonlords. Their involvement within the Realm War would help bring a swifter end to the madness that had carried on for most of their lives.

  • The Destruction of Galador City
    Fall of the House of Galador
    Life, Death

    Amidst the chaos of the Realm War, the neutral kingdom of the Golden Valley experienced one of the worst disasters in its history. The destruction of the ruling family's namesake capital city, Galador, at the hands of one of Queen Kaylin Galador's pet dragons, Havariovos. Despite the endless loss to life caused by this event, the Queen escaped with her life, aided by her most trusted military leader, Lord Marshall Gareth Winter.   As they fled North to the even more neutral kingdom of Ailnoth, a personal vendetta against the Steel-Blood Company would return to destroy them during the Battle of Dragonscrest. In the fray, the Queen and the Lord Marshall were assassinated within Castle Vadalisk, but no proof of who committed the crime has been found, with many suspecting a cover-up.   Now, with the throne of the Golden Valley destroyed and the crown without a head to rest upon, the search for the successor began.

  • The Standstill Siege
    Novaria invades the Golden Valley
    Military action

    Now with turmoil wracking the kingdom of the Golden Valley, the Novarian forces advanced on the borders. Met with some severe resistance from local forces, aided by the Kagarran Alliance and the Dragonlords, the invasion was slow and deadly.   Out of the initial force of 100,000 Novarians, only 20,000 returned safely to the Dagralin and Mytras borders, claiming to of have seen untold horrors unleashed upon them during their many battles.   Within 3 years, the Novarian forces had not made much advancement upon the land, held back by the relentless local militias.

  • The Northern Marches
    Novaria invades Ailnoth
    Military action

    With the success of the current advancements on the Reach, Duraheim and the standstill in the Golden Valley, the Novarian generals decide to invade the permanently wintrous kingdom of Ailnoth. This attempt to force the Golden Valley into a chokehold would come at a brutal price, with the Empire strongly under-equipped for the hostile weather conditions and mountainous terrain, moreso than they were for their first steps into Duraheim.   With the kingdom's army holding them back for only a moment or two, the small progress that the Empire made was pushed back by the Steel-Blood Company, who had taken residence at Tyrchallruen - a mountainous fortress at the edge of the city of Dragonscrest.   Despite the pushback, they made it to the capital's borders with the aid of the Emperor's Right Hand, Tif Arelost. Their attempts to besiege the capital were halted in the bid to eliminate the SBC, and so the force was sent against the powerful militia at the Mountain of Blood and Steel.

  • The Battle of Tyrchallruen
    The Right Hand Dies
    Life, Death

    During her attempt to destroy the Steel-Blood Company at their current headquarters at Tyrchallruen, Tif Arelost advanced her portion of the Novarian Army upon the fortified position. Met with fierce resistance from the company, and their many allies, the fight came to final blows against the commanding officers of the SBC and Tif Arelost amongst the HMS Alexander, the flying fortress.   As the destruction wrought by the fight amidst the technological wonder set it on a crash course with the fortress below, the fight would emerge within the burning rubble, and becoming the decisive action that would hasten the end of the Realm War in the form of Tif Arelost's death.

  • The Realm War Ends
    A Battle of Ancients

    After the death of his most trusted aide, Emperor Novaris began to find himself in hotter water as each day passed. In a decision mostly pressured by his court, Novaris decided to make his move against the Immortal King, Dural, hoping to end their rivalry once and for all.   As he set foot at the edge of King's Vale, beholden to the mighty scale of the Fire Colossus, the two went to blows, shaking the world beneath each strike. As the landscape altered from the fallout, and the dust settled, Novaris emerged victor, bloodied and broken - the last, dying, Colossus at his feet.   With a victorious address to the people around him, he declared the end to the Realm War and announced the Realm Summit to decide upon the spoils. From this point on, the Novarian Empire would grow and life in the Kagarran Isle would change for the better.

  • Peace at Last
    The Realm Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    In the wake of the Realm War, the nations of the Kagarran Isle and the Novarian Empire gathered at a summit in Islymir, a neutral nation to the far West, unaffected by the disasterous 30+ year war.   Here, the newly coronated queen of the Golden Valley, Vorhana, alongside her allies - King Zaska of Ailnoth, Queen Winnifred of Dagralin, and Shogun Rasatosk of the Reach - met with Emperor Novaris, of whom had recovered from his battle against the Colossus. Amidst this year-long summit, deliberation over land, trade, and cultural acknowledgement came close to another Realm War, however an agreement was reached as tensions cold.   The Realm Treaty, as it became known, granted the Novarian Empire control of the kingdoms of Duraheim, Marlow, Mytras, and the Fosall Archipelago, whilst the Golden Valley, the Reach, Dagralin, and Ailnoth remained autonomous. Despite their autonomy, the remaining Free Nations of Kagarra agreed to open borders and trade with the Empire, to aid in both nations' recovery from the Realm War.   Many found this treaty controversial, with locals and noble families from both sides expressing extreme hatred of this peace time agreement. Yet, through the threats of assassination, deposition, and outright destruction, the two nations persisted in their new alliance bringing momentum back into the Exalted Age.