The leader of the Creator Gods, known today as the Dawnfather, was surrendered to the Formless Primordial - a creature that formed the Multiverse. Seeing this sacrifice as worthy of life, the Primordial carved the flesh, let the blood, and gathered the tears of the Dawnfather to mold the world of Eurithan. The world was boiling and hostile for twenty years, untouched by the cooling blood of the Creator God. The Primordial bathed the flames, forming the seas, the rivers, and the lakes. The skies followed with a pouring of the divine's tears, crystallising into snow that blanketed the world. With almost nothing left to give, the Dawnfather offered their eyes to form the Twin Moons, Aventus and Lune. Their heart granted to burn as the sun, providing life to all in its wake. With what little remained of the divine corpse, the Primordial scattered his skeleton across the system to form the planets, and fertilise them with its own power. Life would emerge on the turn of the century, forged by the remaining Creators; beasts, humanoids, and the monsters of the night.