"I write this in view of a tree of luminescent beauty. What we did to get here hardly mattered. We were battered and bruised on our way here, facing Sentinels of Ill Omen and She Who waits. Giant Werewolves and Giant Spiders respectively. I performed exceptionally well in battle, slaying the lion's share of our foes. But it doesn't really matter, not now.
Here, the Rhubarbs and I met the one of the Gods of Fate. Xil. David's Tree was real, and we all got to choose our own fates. Far more so than usual. David got his wished for immortality, he'll live forever to be with his one true love. I handed him my mortar and pestle and my Tea from Baliel, he fought hard to get this far, and sacrificed so much. He deserves it. Dotrin made retribution his fate, to get vengeance on Kenway and to help his brother. Kenway and Krieg have been problems for so long, with Dotrin's wish conflict will rise again. It doesn't matter, we face it all the same. Henra held on to a coin of fate, his fate will remain to be seen.
As for me? I chose Mastery, it is what I have chased above all else, an obsession that has gotten me this far. I hope to lead a legacy for others to follow, that they may advance the craft. At the end, Xil warned us that Death will still come for us, and that by sealing our fates, we have also sealed the fates of others. And Now my wish seems to come to mind. I want others to learn from me, but what lesson will they learn? Will they learn from Chymes the Alchemist? A Man who Cures and Kills with the art of Alchemy? Will they listen to Darron the Artificer? Who weaves magic, alchemy and technology to make lives easier for his friends and family? Or will they pay the most attention to my character? My Professionalism, my standards, and the care i put into the world?
Will my fate bring wonder on the world? Or Ruin? Or Both. Life was easier when I could just ignore fate, and make my fate my own. I just did that, now? I'll have to live with the consequences.
And that's just fine."