Pahra Character in EuroAtlantis | World Anvil
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Pahra was one of the masterminds behind the Circle Enshadowed, along with the Shadow Queen. He seemingly died when Auzrynros plunged the God-Forger into his heart and, rather than transforming him into a god, it painfully destroyed him. At the time he was posing as the Shadow Queen, but he spent a lot of time pretending to be the Everqueen as well (as seen in his art to the right.)      The party met Pahra again in Hell while seeking to free captured Shadowsworn souls. Unlike Wisp, he considers himself to still fully be Pahra, and stubbornly denies that he displays some new tendencies that seem less than entirely fiendish. 
(Art of Pahra in his elf-guise is by Celes.)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, thin and elaborately attired high elf, with long slender ears and fingers.   According to Wisp, Pahra at least once took on another humanoid guise: an usually tall, curvaceous drow elf with a plunging neckline, who was presented as an avatar of the Shadow Queen. This was the form he was in when the party watched Pahra seemingly be destroyed by the God-Forger.

Special abilities

Pahra has demonstrated the ability to enter the ethereal plane where it overlaps with the material plane, so that he can observe goings-on undetected.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pahra was one of the forces behind the Circle Enshadowed.

Gender Identity

Uses he/him and they/them pronouns.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Fredvalenci


Contacts & Relations

The Circle Enshadowed.     Will has previously given him advice for survival on the surface.

Family Ties

Wisp was born from Pahra's demise. Does that make him their child? Wisp seems to be either this, or some kind of reincarnation or continuation of Pahra. A second incarnation continues to use the identity 'Pahra', and was recently discovered in Hell by the Disaster Party.

Social Aptitude

Arrogant, overconfident.
Year of Death
Circumstances of Birth
Born out of concentrated paranoia.
Circumstances of Death
Destroyed when Auzynros plunged the god-forger into their chest.
Place of Death
The temple ruins beneath Cai Shaan.
Sometimes light pours out of them, which is...a bit weird.
Long, straight, ginger.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
“I know you will not leave. This does not concern me. Adventurers are such peculiarly fearful beings. So delicious, while you die.”

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Character Portrait image: by Celes


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