Fifth Frentish Invasion of Bolclaw
The most recent conflict between the two Dwarf-founded Kingdoms, the Republic of Frent once again invaded Bolclaw, seeking to gain a foothold in the Mares continent. The Frentish fleet quickly took out the Bol Navy, and it was up to Bolclaw's warriors on-hand to protect against the current tide of Frentish invaders while they wait for reinforcements from Warr.
When the reinforcements arrived, with the assistance of Vicar of Flavian John Deher, and Vicar of Lakeland & Warr Eldred of Sunda, Frentish forces were quickly overturned.
The Conflict
Frent invaded Bolclaw four previous times, all due to the former's wish to create holdings in Mares, and the perceived weakness of the latter. The previous conflict between Frent and Bolclaw was put to rest by Archrector Terta VI in 472 CE.
Frent deployed 3,000 warriors with the possibility of sending more, drawing from Luddish mercenaries.
The battle on Con's Coast was a significant turning point in the invasion, where Vicar John Deher personally oversaw, with Con's Coast's Vicar Hiram Graff the movement of Accish and Warr forces into the front, reinforcing the embattled Bolclaw forces.
Frent forces were severely disheartened, dousing the Republic of Frent into political chaos as the opposition launched a campaign against the majority government.
Marked the end of the reign of Urik Ulrikson as Premier of Frent, and boosted the prestige of both Eldred of Sunda, who would go on to become Aligroil XI, and John Deher within the eyes of the international order, who see that leaders of the Church could still make a difference and that there was a certain safety associated with the Church of Down.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
80 day of the Second Season, 500 CE
Ending Date
61 day of the Fourth Season
Conflict Result
Frent was defeated a fifth time
3,000 Warriors
1,500 Warriors
500 sailors and warriors
200 Warriors, 500 Sailors
Establish Frentish colonies in Mares and dominate Bolclaw
Defend against the Frentish invasion
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