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A warm, tropical nation, Nolaekatan is covered in mountains and lush rainforest (called Waoakua Ono by the natives; Yutakanari by the colonizers). With an imperial magistrate at its head, Nolaekatan is made up of orderly cities and cozy villages. Mining, forestry, and magic are the vassal state's biggest industries. Sae Vala, the capital of Nolaekatan, is home to Evara’s prominent magic school, Luumvistra. Scholars and would-be students from around the world flock to Sae Vala in hopes of using Luumvistra’s extensive magical library. Sae Vala also receives shipments of raw magical materials from Sihndroma and manufactures magical items and potions.  

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  Knowledge is power and power corrupts. In recent decades, the colony has had a growing rate of non-violent crime. Black-market magical goods and yakuza-like syndicates enjoy special prestige in larger settlements like Sae Vala. Sihnolae’s military police force is drawing criticism for its inability to stem the rising tide and its use of excessive force.  


Nolaekatan came to be when Sihnolae crushed the goblinoid empire ruling Ulomalomaloa and installed a puppet government in its place. The territory comprising modern-day Nolaekatan was one part of the fiefdoms of Carthadas. Goblins and hobgoblins from across the sea conquered the land, working alongside the people of ancient Ulomalomaloa (modern-day Sihndroma) to protect one another from draconic and volcanic threats.  


The mountains in Nolaekatan were carved centuries ago to revere the colossal creatures that made Nolaekatan their home. Waterfalls spill from stone dragons covered in moss; rocs nest along the spine of a gargantuan stone sabertooth; magma still glows from within a volcanic mountain carved with the face of an efreet. Whether these scupltures were molded by mortals or gods has been long forgotten.   Because Nolaekatan is bisected by the tree-clad mountain range, it has a "dry" side (heathland in the north) and a "wet" side (Rainforest of Riches in the south). Nolaekatan is bordered by Tehame Lake at its northernmost extent - a border it shares with Carthadas. It is said that the lake is home to a legendary unicorn.   The north is nicknamed 'The Floral Kingdom'. With a Mediterranean climate and rainy winters, it is known for its exceptional degree of biodiversity. It is home to the greatest non-tropical concentration of plant species in the world, and northern Nolaekatan is the only hotspot that encompasses an entire floral kingdom.   The south contains the Ululaaʻau Momona Rainforest (called Yutakanari, the Rainforest of Riches, by Sihnolae) that extends into neighboring Sihndroma. Within it are plants, trees, and animals that are coveted for their medicinal, magical, and aesthetic properties. Ironwood is used to make arms and armaments. Liftwood is a key component used in the production of airships. The territory’s rainforests are precious for their biodiversity and for their economic value. Nolaekatan's semi-legitimate organizations strictly regulate what can be taken from these woods.  


A mixture of faiths make their home in the hearts of Nolaekites. In Sae Vala, knowledge is power and Veleda is held in high regard. However, in the rest of the protectorate, it is much more common to find temples to Adhara and The Resplendent Order; shrines in the Rainforest of Riches mark devotion to The Wild Hunt. A large minority of Nolaekites worship The Willow, Leanne. As a nature goddess associated with harmony, spring, and escape, her followers hope that she will guide them to political freedom. Finally, Nolaekites believe that land is the property of their ancestors. Some revere their ancestors in a spiritual sense as well, making ancestor worship a more common practice in Nolaekatan than other places.  


Nolaekatan is an imperial protectorate and formally recognizes its rights and obligations to Sihnolae and Emperor Drakkar. The conditions of protection are generous: military aid, reduced trade costs, and the free flow of ideas, people, and goods bolsters the Nolaekite economy. Nolaekatan is divided into prefectures which are governed by mayors who report to a single Prime Minister. Prime Minister Poa'takalao was installed by Sihnolae.   Although Sihnolae brings a degree of order, Nolaekatan's organized crime syndicates hold significant local and national sway on politics. Anti-syndicate/pro-law Nolaekites use the word “iillsvih” - draconic for “violent group” - to describe syndicates. Pro-syndicate/pro-rebellion Nolaekites use the word “schakriri” - draconic for “aristocracy”. The iillsvih/schakriri are quasi-legitimate organizations. They invest in legitimate business, they do not commit crimes that would break the social compact (theft, human-trafficking), and they sometimes deliver aid or protection faster than fully legitimate organizations. They are also undoubtedly criminal enterprises and undermine the economy and the legitimacy of the law.   Syndicates operate under a strict hierarchy and an even stricter code of conduct. Prospective syndicate members come from all walks of life. For members, the syndicate takes on the role of a surrogate family. They specialize in both a particular facet of non-violent, organized crime and a particular school of magic. One specific example is the Luminary Syndicate (scribe wizards, lore bards, and seeker warlocks) involved with the management of Luumvistra’s arcane library. Another is the Coatal’s Army, a syndicate of fighters and paladins engaged in protection racketeering.   Although each syndicate is independent, because of their strict heirarchical structure, they all ultimately report to one person. Minister Poa'takalao would love to get their hands on that person... for a nice, friendly chat.  


  • The presence of the magical university means that there are more unusual magical potions, weapons, and armor in Nolaekatan than in many other places. Admittance to Luumvistra for formal study is considered a high status symbol. People without magic of any kind are considered second-class citizens in Nolaekatan.
  • The Sihnolaen practice of body painting is popular in Nolaekatan as well. Body painting is considered fashion and art. It is not uncommon for Nolaekites to forgo clothing entirely in favor of ornate bodypaint instead. Body painting competitions and festivals are extremely popular passtimes.
  • Organized crime is a big part of life in Nolaekatan. About one third of the population participates in syndicate activities, but everyone is aware of it. People without magic may feel drawn to syndicates as a way to acheive power or status.
  • Nolaekites who identify with ancient tradition are more likely to practice covenant magic, ancestor worship, and other practices that are taboo to the Evaaran pantheon.
  • Red is a lucky color and popular for clothing.
  • The dead should be respected and remembered, but their names should never again be spoken aloud after their passing.
  • Nolaekites believe that land is the property of their ancestors. They reinforce this belief by burying their dead in residential compounds rather than in cemeteries.
  • Gambling and alcohol are illegal in Nolaekatan, but both still exist.

"In the shade, I flourish"

Geopolitical, Protectorate
Alternative Names
Nolaekite (Nolaekites)
Government Type
Imperial Protectorate of Sihnolae
Common Races
Sauropsida (Half-ophidian, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Tortle), Hobgoblin, Goblin, Half-orc, Orc, Mammalians (all), Verdan
Common Gods/Religions
Adhara, Respendent Order, The Wild Hunt, Leanne, Ancestor Worship, Purity
Primary Industries
Mining, forestry, magic

Cover image: Untitled