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The cultures of Sinolae take order very seriously: the infrastructure of towns and cities is planned with meticulous care. Natural beauty is enhanced with intentional cultivation. No space or resource is wasted, and an entire branch of the imperial government exists solely to ensure the nation’s wealth is creating tangible benefits for residents. The most common races in this modern nation are dragonborn, hobgoblins, humans, and halflings. The capital city, Sae Rhin, is the seat of power for Emperor Drakkar and home to the most popular and high-end red light district and theatre performances in all of Evara.  

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A verdant region that is known for its regal mountain range, gorgeous gardens, and many hot springs. The Sihnolaen Empire is nestled between the Moau Mountains to the west and the Nolai Forest to the east. The southern half of the country has a sub-tropical climate while the north tends to be more temperate. Hot springs can be found up and down the Moau Mountains.  


The quality of its red-light district is a direct tribute to Thara and Lord Luck, Bahram, the two most commonly worshipped gods in all of Sihnolae (though all non-evil gods are welcome). It is said that Bahram himself visits to relax in the restorative springs.  


Politically, the Empire of Sihnolae is feared and respected. Other countries think twice before challenging the Imperial Army to reclaim annexed land or colonies. World leaders are waiting for the empire to crumble to split up the empire’s vast territory and wealth, but rumors suggest that the Imperial Army has its sights on western Carthadas. Their goal is to eventually conquer the entire continent, bringing order and prosperity to all.   To ensure that military discipline and appreciation of order are instilled in every citizen, Sihnolae conscripts soldiers. When residents turn twenty (or equivalent for their race), they must serve in the Imperial Army for two years. Citizens of Sinolae who have a skill for combat but not for the politics of military life may become mercenaries or adventurers.  


  • Body Painting is a common practice in Sihnolae and is considered both fashionable and a work of art. It is not uncommon for residents to forgo clothing entirely and walk in ornate bodypaint instead
  • The people of Sihnolae have a ‘work easy, play easy’ mentality. Work should be carried out with serene focus and dedication as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Striving for perfection is the objective of labor. Leisure should be appreciated with grace and serenity.
  • Obligations, debts, duty, and rank are taken very seriously. At all levels of society, an individual who has shirked their duty or failed to meet their obligations is considered the lowest form of the low.
  • Everything that happens is the will of the gods and the will of the gods is made known through the words of the Emperor. To be clear - Emperor Drakkar is not worshiped or deified. However, anything the Emperor desires shall be done. The people can endure any hardship, and fight any fight, for their nation to succeed and for their Emperor to thrive.
    • Not all Sihnolaens agree with this mindset.
  • When residents turn twenty (or equivalent for their race), they must serve in the Imperial Army for two years.
  • Physical and mental fitness are highly valued. Being mentally or physically strong is considered beautiful.
  • Due to its booming tourism industry, top tier red light district, relaxing hotsprings, and vibrant theater performances, Sihnolae is considered one of the top entertainment nations along with Sirennea, Darbek, and Rhosia.
  • Sihnoalen children are not typically raised by their birth parents (or even their blood relatives). They have three “families”: a Birth Family, a Growth Family, and an Amicus Family.
    • The Birth Family gives a name and a surname to their child, but they do not raise the child. Because of the familial system in Sihnolae, family names are a vital method for tracking biological relationships.
    • Sihnolaens believe that the responsibility of nurturing the empire’s future should be left to people who already have the wisdom of age and experience. After a child is born, they are placed in a Growth Family - quite literally, a social setting for them to live and grow. A growth family consists of several adults (5-7) beyond childbearing age and several children (7-10) who may or may not be biologically related.When children reach adulthood, they leave their Growth Families to form an Amicus Family. Their Amicus Family is a group of adults (4-10) that will rely upon each other as a social safety net as they navigate young adulthood. These may be childhood friends, military friends, a religious group, professional colleagues, etc. An adult may choose to have children with one or more members of their Amicus Family. An individual’s Amicus Family could change throughout their life, but eventually, the Amicus Family becomes old enough (and wise enough) to take in children and become a Growth Family, beginning the cycle anew.


Sihnolae has conquered many countries throughout its history, starting with its neighbors: Orrdia, Ulomalomaloa (now Sihndroma and Nolaekatan), and Carthadas. The Imperial Throne has justified conquest by bringing order, beauty, and wealth to its territories. Its current borders are the result of treaties of annexation and secession signed earlier during the Age of Civilization. Recently, earthquakes along the Moau faultline have revealed ancient underground ruins. Orrdia and Sihnolae are fighting over the site, which could contain important - or powerful - historical artifacts.

"For ours is the glory"

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Empire of Sihnolae
Sihnolaen (Sihnolaens)
Government Type
Absolute Monarchy (Empire)
Common Races
Dragonborn, Human, Nymph (all), Sauropsida (all)
Common Gods/Religions
Respendent Order, Ship of the Grand Macaque, Adhara, Adaration, Hemoism
Primary Industries
Manufacturing (weaponsmithing), mercenary services, tourism/hospitality

Cover image: China Taoist temple2 by Dawnpu


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