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The Arya; Soreph, Etesia, Naseem, & Wayra

Gods of the Winds

"The Arya" is a collective referring to the four gods of the four primary winds. They are responsible for the changing seasons. Naseem is the North wind and brings Winter, Etesia is the East wind and brings Autumn, Soreph controls the South wind and assists in the coming of Summer, and Wayra is of the West and brings the Spring. The Arya are typically presented as 4 nearly identical individuals with minor deviations in appearance and attire. People almost never refer to individual members of the Arya, but if they do, then they call each one by their cardinal wind (i.e., referring to Naseem as the "North wind").  


Shamans act as religious leaders among communities that worship the Arya. There is no strict definition of shaman and there is no strict role they have in society: they may be called upon to heal, to mediate between humanoids and nature, to aid in a natural disaster or crisis, to perform a wedding, etc.

Divine Domains

Nature, Solidarity, Tempest

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A stylized hurricane

Tenets of Faith

  • Worship of the Arya encompasses a spectrum of beliefs, but the core tenets are (1) that all material phenomena have agency, (2) that there exists no categorical distinction between the spiritual and physical world, and (3) that soul, spirit, or sentience exists not only in humanoids, but also in other animals, plants, rocks, geographic features such as mountains and rivers, and other entities of the natural environment.
  • The Arya teach that everything has its season, all things come in their time. They also emphasize acceptance of change as a form of spiritual harmony. Change is natural and sometimes unpredictable. It can be sudden and chaotic. Yet, order always underlies the chaos.
  • The Arya are the animating breath of life. The First God gives form to life, the Mother ensures the continuance of life, but the Arya make life possible.
  • Their faithful believe that Arya are not just beings, but also substance: “Arya” is the spiritual essence from which a soul is made. When you die, you return your spiritual essence to the world, where it rejoins objects, places, creatures, and potentially even words.
  • The unfaithful are blown off-course, sometimes literally. Children of the unfaithful may be lured from their play, never to be seen again.
Piety System
Generic article | May 7, 2023

Actively championing a god is optional, but comes with perks


Family Ties

Siblings: Soreph, Etesia, Naseem, & Wayra  

Other Information

  • The Arya are genderfluid.
  • It is said the Arya's voice is a cacophony of other voices. When an individual speaks, a single voice stands out among the discordance.
  • The belief in the power of a true name originates with the Aryan concept of animism. A name is an air current that originates from the soul of the denoted creature. As an animating force, the true name is, therefore, the very soul of a being. Using a true name invokes the soul.
  • Legends say The Arya were once a single individual whose being was split into four parts by Lagahashra in a spiteful rage. Each Arya represents a different part and emotion of that individual. Other legends say that the Arya loved the world so much that they voluntarily split themselves to be able to envelop it in their tender embrace. Who or what they were originally, however, has long since been lost to time. Some say that the Arya existed long before Adar and Lagahashra.
The Gods
Generic article | Jul 24, 2022

There are 16 recognized gods presiding over the world of Evara. Ten gods died before the common era, their petrified remains consigned to the Astral Plane.

by pho
Divine Domains
Nature, Solidarity, Tempest
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
the Arya
Winds, weather, the seasons
Holy Symbol
A stylized hurricane

Cover image: by Phoenix