Life, the arts, creation, fire
Destruction, anger, chaos, war
Death, rebirth, fate
Undeath, necromancy, monsters, change
Moon, night, dusk, sleep, prophecy
Sun, light, energy, dawn
The sea and other bodies of water, healing, medicine, storms
Winds, weather, the seasons
Money, business, wealth, cities, hospitality, charity, fortune
Perfection, Protection, Order, Safety, Miracles, Sex, Lust, Beauty
Forests, wildlife, mountains, wine, & festivities
Knowledge, teaching, memory, magic, history, writing, storytelling, stone
Fertility, kindness, childbirth, love, animal-life
Nature, plant and forest life, harmony, spring rain, escape
Hunting, trade, family, archery
Justice, revenge, fairness, moral order, discipline, neutrality