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The Blind One, Sadoc

God of Justice

Sadoc is a stoic, restrained god. They have no interest in pomp or pageantry; no use for grand gestures of devotion; no desire to recognize any mortals with the gift of divine magic. They maintain a codex of conduct for mortals and adjudicate disputes among the gods. Sadoc’s chief goals are universal, moral justice and preventing a second Age of Conflict. They serve as Adar's advisor in all matters, whether he wants counsel or not.

The Blind One is the youngest god and shows themself before mortals the least. They may appear androgynous, sexless, or hermaphroditic. That is, Sadoc is either completely agender or is equal parts male and female. Sadoc can be referred to as male, female, neither, and both. Mortals’ depictions of them are often the artist's own interpretation as very few references to Sadoc's form exist. Any imagery of Sadoc depicts them as blindfolded, eyeless, or with their eyes closed.


The Blind One does not recognize a clergy or a formal belief system. They believe the law ought to be followed and justice be carried out for those who deserve it, not just for people who worship them.

Divine Domains

Sadoc does not grant divine magic to anyone


Pillars of Justice

The laws they have deemed appropriate for mortals are etched in Celestial script into massive, finger-shaped black stone stelae (pillars). Fourteen identical copies of these Stelae are said to exist: one in each nation of Evara. The writing on these pillars is inalterable. Sadoc intended the Pillars to guide lawmaking and legal interpretation, but their own lack of popularity among mortals prevents this from being universally true.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Scales, Olive branch

Tenets of Faith

  • There is no formal religion around them and they don’t want one. Justice is about belief in right and wrong, not belief in a higher power.
  • Although Sadoc does not acknowledge worshippers or clergy, there are small shrines to them in courtrooms and jailhouses for those who wish to appeal for higher justice. Sometimes, the unjustly imprisoned pray to be released, but more frequently, people who feel wronged pray for revenge. Sadoc hears all prayers impartially.
Piety System
Generic article | May 7, 2023

Actively championing a god is optional, but comes with perks


Can paladins of The Blind One exist?

Yes. Paladins of The Blind One carry out justice in their place since they do not interfere with mortals directly. However, that does not mean the paladin's divine magic comes from Sadoc, nor does it mean they have Sadoc's favor. Where does that magic come from? Where, indeed.... :)


Other Information

  • They are sightless but nonetheless can see.
Divine Domains
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Justice, Blind one, the Centre, the Righteous
Justice, revenge, fairness, moral order, discipline, neutrality
Holy Symbol
Scales, Olive branch