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The Bright One, Auros

God of the Sun

The sun is a miracle: a life-giving star that holds the world in balance. The sun gives warmth and light and sustains all life. Auros embodies that miracle, and according to legend, he ensures that the sun rises each morning.

During the Age of Conflict, Auros lost his boon companion, the Orcish hero Oros. Oros was deified as the god of fortune. Before Oros’s death, it was said that Auros traversed the sky each day to mimic the motion of Oros’s wheel of fortune on a celestial level. Auros perseveres in the tradition as a memorial to his fallen companion.

Auros appears to mortals as a fiery eagle, burning with the brightness of the sun. He has control over the radiance of his form, but looking at him for too long will cause an incautious onlooker to go blind; standing too close to him may burn you.



The Cult of the Bright One are a band of men and women with more courage than sense. They are not very organized. They believe the best way to convert people to their god is by going forth and doing the heroic and impossible. Followers of the Bright One take to adventuring like birds take to flying.

Divine Domains

Light, War, Zeal

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Eagle, Chariot

Tenets of Faith

  • Be an inexhaustible reservoir of energy, and you, too, can do the outlandish and improbable!
Piety System
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Actively championing a god is optional, but comes with perks


Other Information

  • His origin story is thus: An awakened giant eagle whose apotheosis to godhood came because of his association with Oros (god of fortune, deceased).
  • The Bright One is credited with bringing fire to the mortal world. Legends say he wielded a flaming torch, rescuing a family surrounded by snarling, hungry monsters. His gift saved them from death, and they cultivated fire from then on. These were the first adherents of the Cult of the Bright One.
  • In truth, the Bright One accidentally crashed into their house and it caught on fire. This tale was lost with time to the mortal realm.
  • Workaholics and people who work with frenetic energy are said to be “filled with Eagle’s fire”.
  • Followers of the Bright One prefer sky burials.
  • Auros is bright but not bright (Shiny but not smart).
The Gods
Generic article | Jul 24, 2022

There are 16 recognized gods presiding over the world of Evara. Ten gods died before the common era, their petrified remains consigned to the Astral Plane.

Auros the Bright One by GeoCaecias
Divine Domains
Light, War, Zeal
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Bright One, God Eagle
Sun, light, energy, dawn
Holy Symbol
Eagle, Chariot