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The Chimera, Alere

God of Monsters, God of Pariahs

Alere and his sister, Erela, were the first mortals to undergo apotheosis at the hand of Adar. Alere’s ascension changed him into a half-skeletal abomination - or perhaps, this is always who he was, and becoming a god simply manifested his true nature. Alere became the patron god of “the other” - anyone rejected by society. Early on, simply being a patron became insufficient to match his ambition. Like the First God, Alere wanted to be a creator. But he embraces the darker side of creation.

He is deeply resentful of the laws put in place by others and prefers to set his own rules. Where other gods strive for order or beauty, Alere creates monsters by taking other beings and transforming them into something new. He also challenges the definition of “natural” in other ways. He hates none so much as his sister. To Alere, the creation of undead is the ultimate act of rebellion.



The Chimera’s clergy consists of battle monks, Frankenstein-esque researchers, and necromancers. The monks mostly keep to themselves, but movers and shakers can call upon Alere’s army... for a steep and sometimes metaphysical price. The scholars who toil in the Chimera’s name conduct experiments on the creation of artificial life (homunculi, constructs), undeath, and hybridization of existing life. You can occasionally hear zealous preachers on street corners loudly ranting the ‘word of the Savior,’ but the Chimera views these people as little more than nuisances.

Divine Domains

Ambition, Death, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A scythe with the tip of the blade broken; A skeletal condor

Tenets of Faith

  • If you don’t like your fate, change it. If you don’t like your government, revolt against it. Basically, do what you have to do to make your world suit you.
  • While his sister, the Grey Maiden, promises immortality through rebirth, followers of the Chimera are enticed by his promise of immortality through undeath. He also gains followers for accepting what most people fear. The Chimera teaches that the Other (the sick, the disabled, the deformed, etc.) should be welcomed. To him, “monster” is a relative term. They are Unique, and deserve to be celebrated for their individuality.
  • And ultimately, life is a temporary, pointless state of being. You should seek to change yourself into the purest form of life: the undead. The living are chattel for the undead.
Piety System
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Family Ties

Sister: Erela    

Other Information

  • The bane of Erela’s existence, Alere thwarts the normal cycle of life and death.
  • Alere doesn’t see eye to eye with any other members of the pantheon. He appreciates Sadoc for judging everyone equally and respects Adar’s desire to create and witness creation (even though he disagrees with Adar’s specific methods), but does not get along with either of them.
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Alere the Chimera by GeoCaecias
Divine Domains
Ambition, Death, Trickery
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
to his adherents: the Savior, the Harbinger of Change, Chimera
to everyone else: Unholy Prince, Chimera, Creature, Monster, Dead King
Undeath, necromancy, monsters, change
Holy Symbol
A scythe with the tip of the blade broken, A skeletal condor