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The First God, Adar

God of Creation, King of the Gods

Before any of the other gods, there was Adar. He is the First God, and with his divine spark, he has forged races, places, creatures, and objects.

Adar has existed for millennia. Change is the secret to his indomitable spirit and his continued delight in existence. Creation is never finished, and the forge of his heart burns with the desire to see new wonders wrought by mortals. He has dominion over all things, but a particular love of life, the arts, and all manner of creation.

He has infinite shapes, but the one best known is that of a tan-skinned human male of perfect musculature. Even in this form, his divinity radiates from eyes of pure gold and from a halo of light that encircles a head of billowing, pure white hair.



The First God’s clergy are predominantly young adult men, though all genders are welcome to his service. In addition to leading religious ceremonies, priests of the First God are often granted apprenticeships to craftsmen, artisans, and magewrights. This makes service to First God particularly attractive to young people who want to change their lives. For the duration of their service, clergy members are considered “spouses of Adar” (i.e., they may not marry, they must remain celibate). The First God’s clergy typically do not serve for more than a decade (though there are exceptions), and they are encouraged to move on when they are ready to start a family.

Divine Domains

Forge, Life, Peace, Trickery


The Worldsculptor Wheel

A mythical pottery wheel that uses the raw matter of existence to bring creations into the world. It is said that this wheel, infused with the First God's power, is what enables all gods to create.


A Fractured Wheel

Legends say that at the end of the Age of Conflict, the First God cracked the Worldsculptor Wheel and the power that flowed out contained the ability of gods to create other gods. This primordial energy became the Spire of Ascension.

Holy Books & Codes

Vade Mecum
The core tenets of the First God’s faith are laid out in the Vade Mecum, his holy text. This scripture is required reading for everyone who follows him. The Vade Mecum is an unusual text in that it contains the core beliefs and proscriptions of the First God’s faith, but half the pages in every copy are blank. Everyone who follows him adds something of themselves to their personal copy of the Vade Mecum as a reminder of change and adaptation.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Crown, Lyre, Butterfly, Fire

Tenets of Faith

  • All forms of creation are considered sacred services to the First God. For example, a farmer raises crops and livestock, and that is creation. Physicians and healers change sickness to health, and that is creation. Poets and playwrights form art from inspiration, and that is creation. Parenthood is one of the most important forms of creation, as the parent-child bond recapitulates the First God’s creation of humanity. It is through love of children and of your fellow beings that you experience the First God’s love for his creations.
  • Lying (and other forms of dishonesty), stealing, plagiarism, and murder are grievous sins to the First God. Because creation is sacred, taking the lives of sentient beings (including suicide) is generally frowned upon.
Piety System
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A Festival ushering in the New Year dedicated to Adar. People will set up a huge bonfire in public places (a town square, large temple to Adar, etc.) and burn things that they no longer wish to ‘carry with them’ in the new year. The things burned are usually symbolic of something they wish to accomplish in the new year. E.g., burning the picture of an ex-lover to symbolize moving on from a failed relationship, burning a crop from a failed farm to ask for a fresh start, burning a baby blanket to symbolize reaching adulthood, etc. This festival is dedicated to Adar, for who is more likely to help people change their lives than the God of change and creation himself?

Other Information

  • “Touched by the Creator” is a common way of describing Individuals who are particularly skilled at their craft (i.e., master painter, kick-ass mage, etc.), regardless of their god/religion
  • Temples dedicated to the First God are filled with artwork, and many songs, sculptures, paintings, poems, and plays have been created to please him. Fire is one of the First God’s symbols, and a cauldron of flame burns at the center of his temples.
  • The First God’s followers can lack appreciation for the past. They may try something new simply because it is new, even if it is not better. On the more positive side, the First God encourages everyone to contribute to society by creating whatever they can. His followers strive to create positive change (or else risk his ire), and by being generous with others, create a more tightly-knit community.
  • First God is known to walk among (and lie with) mortals.
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Adar the Creator by phoenix509

Divine Domains
Forge, Life, Peace, Trickery
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
First God, King God, Giver, Creator, Lyrist, Endless Flame, Life of the Gods, Muse
Life, The Arts, Creation, Fire
Holy Symbol
Crown, Lyre, Butterfly, Fire

Cover image: by Phoenix


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