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The Great Healer, Rydia

Goddess of the Sea and Healing

All life requires water, so Rydia is the wellspring of life. She is an adventurous soul: the sea connects all things, and so too does the Great Healer value connection. Water adapts, and she prides herself on being adaptable. But the Queen of the Sea also brings the storm and the hurricane. Her temper is legendary, even among the gods.

Rydia appears to mortals in the guise of a two-tailed mermaid, with scales and skin that resemble the colors of the sea. Her hair is a cloud of pure flowing water and her eyes are as deep and black as the ocean’s depths. She wears a crown of sharp, crimson crystals.



The Great Healer’s Clergy - called “Captains” - must make a pilgrimage to Sirennea at least once in their lives to formalize their service to her. Their houses of worship tend to be in places with a connection to water, such as aboard ships, on docks, or in bathhouses. They preach cleanliness and bathing daily as part of their worship of their goddess.

Divine Domains

Life, Tempest

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Water pitcher, Fish-tailed goat

Tenets of Faith

  • In your everyday life, you must strive to be like the water. Water is patient: it can do anything if given enough time. Water is fluid: it can weave around obstacles and find ways that others cannot. Water can fit in wherever it flows. When water is calm, it gives life and nourishes those around it. However, water can be violent.
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Lunar Festival

Despite its name, the Lunar Festival is a masquerade ball. Held on the island Llyria, the Lunar Festival is hosted once every Blue Moon. Quite literally. Due to the rarity of a Blue Moon, this festival only occurs every 2-3 years. The festival is dedicated to the Goddesses responsible for the founding of Llyria - Leverett, Rydia, and Nalani - and also serves to cleanse the island of any negative energies.

  Chowilawu, Water Festival

A one-day event that takes place on the first full moon of the summer. Held in honor of both Thara and Rydia, goddesses known for their healing abilities, the Water Festival is about healing and being cleansed of impurities. Bathing in rose water or using rose scented perfumes and oils is also a popular activity for both women and men. During the late evening, people gather around and have a water fight.


Other Information

  • Followers of the Great Healer prefer to be buried at sea or go for the Viking funeral
  • It is said that tritons and sirens are the Great Healer’s favored humanoid species. She also has a fascination with cats. Sailors never leave port without cats aboard their ships, hoping to protect their ships from the Great Healer's storms.
  • Her favorite drink is rum. Sailors will ask for the Great Healer’s blessing on new ships by throwing rum overboard. During hurricanes and other storms, people try to calm the weather by pouring large quantities of rum into the water.
  • It is believed Rydia was a nymph before she ascended, however, it is hard for anyone to know for sure. Her form now, while it does somewhat resemble some merfolk, does not resemble that of any known creature.
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by phoenix509
Divine Domains
Life, Tempest
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Great Healer, Queen of the Sea
The sea and other bodies of water, healing, medicine, storms
Holy Symbol
Water pitcher, Fish-tailed goat

Cover image: by Phoenix