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The Greenwalker, Kiel

God of the Hunt

The Greenwalker is the god of the hunt, of predation, and of prey. He seeks to keep the natural world healthy, shepherd the wild places of the world through their yearly cycle, and enjoy the beauty of the land.

When he was still mortal, the elves, giants and orcs were destroying the forests inhabited by his people. Despite constant prayers, offerings, and pleas for help, Ogden did nothing. Finally fed up, Kiel demanded that Adar appoint a new protector of the forests - one who would actually do his job. He challenged Adar to single combat in the woods to prove that the forests and the people who lived there were worth protecting. And Kiel won, using his bow and his knowledge of the forest. Adar made good on his bargain, but in a way that Kiel did not expect. The First God appointed Kiel as a new forest god. Kiel and Ogden have been at odds ever since.

The race from which he came (furred mantis) went extinct in the Age of Conflict. The ruins of his peoples’ civilizations are found in the Godswood. He appears to mortals in this shape to honor their memory. He rarely bothers with clothing, preferring a simple loincloth if he wears anything at all. Kiel is always seen with a hunting weapon.



There have been no formal systems of worship around the Greenwalker since the Age of Conflict. He grants divine magic to clerics and hears prayers of his faithful, but communities of worship remind him of losses suffered over the millennia. His sacred sites and places of worship are usually marked trees or piles of rock.

Divine Domains

Nature, Strength

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Longbow, Fletched arrow

Tenets of Faith

  • Greenwalker encourages his followers to live simply. Take only what you need so there is enough for others.
  • In addition to teaching simplicity, Greenwalker values respect. All people and all things should be respected. To be wasteful is to be disrespectful of what you have.
  • As a mortal, the Greenwalker was a doting father and devoted husband. As a deity, he commands that people honor their families. Greenwalker condemns dishonesty, violence against the family, infidelity, and disrespect for elders.
Piety System
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Other Information

  • The race from which he came (furred mantis) went extinct in the Age of Conflict. The ruins of his peoples’ civilizations are found in the Godswood.
  • There are phrases used among mortals to describe people who engage in behaviors Greenwalker condemns: “the Grey Hunter’s quarry”; “tempting the Grey Hunter”. Individuals who displeased Greenwalker during their lives are said to serve as his target practice in the afterlife.
  • He favors hunters, and great hunters will call themselves “Friends of the Greenwalker” or “Part of the Wild Hunt”.
  • As a mortal, Kiel had a large family: A wife and 7 children. As a god, Kiel and his mortal wife produced one more child, making their youngest a demigod. Kiel’s child used their heritage to establish a dynastic rule over all furred mantises. They erected natural cities and shrines in Kiel’s name. Kiel’s descendants ruled until the furred mantis species was wiped out in the Age of Conflict. The ruins of his peoples’ civilizations are found in the Godswood.
  • Tales of Leverett’s romantic struggles with Kiel are a favorite of bards. He has tried in the past to woo Leverett with his hunting skills, but incurred the wrath of Leverett (not because she wasn’t interested, but because she advocates kindness to animals).
The Gods
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Kiel the Greenwalker by GeoCaecias
Divine Domains
Nature, Strength
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Greenwalker, Huntsman, the Hunter
Hunting, forests, trade, family, archery
Holy Symbol
Longbow, Fletched arrow