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The Last God, Lagahashra

God of Destruction

In the beginning, there were only Adar and Lagahashra.

If Adar is the hand that gives, Lagahashra is the hand that takes. Adar brings life, Lagahashra brings death; Adar brings peace, Lagahashra brings war. This is the origin of his most common moniker, the Last God. Lagahashra is driven to bring about the end of all things: when the end comes, he will be the last. He sews the seeds of chaos and reaps the fruit of wrath and war. Paradoxically, by bringing destruction, the Last God leaves the world open for creation. By destroying the old, he allows the possibility for the new to flourish.

Lagahashra appears to mortals as a dark-skinned giant covered in battle scars. His eyes and tattoos spill divine light. He carries no weapon and wears no armor. If he conjures his spear, there is only one thing a mortal can do: pray.



Priests and priestesses have secret congregations across the globe. Services to the Last God are usually spontaneous and unplanned, and often become violent or riotous. Adherents prefer the adjective “energetic”.

Divine Domains

Blood, Tempest, Trickery, War

Holy Books & Codes

The Last God has no temples, no holy texts. His clergy perpetuates his will and desires, and secret whispers tell of these things in civilized places where worshiping the Last God is forbidden.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Two-headed goose, Bloody spear, Fire

Tenets of Faith

  • The Last God teaches that you are unhappy because you struggle to be something you’re not. You think you want money, love, possessions, and even civilization. These things cannot make you happy. They are just a peeling veneer, hiding what you truly are within. And what you are is chaos: a tumult of noisy thoughts and wild impulses. As long as you fight it, you will continue to be unhappy. The only way to achieve peace is to embrace the chaos and break the shackles that bind you.
  • There are different degrees of devotion to Last God’s ideals, but they all center around themes of chaos and destruction. In its mildest form, the Last God’s adherents may be more of a nuisance to civilized society, as they are generally anarchists. They may worship by giving in to their basest impulses, like committing crimes or littering or punching cops.
  • The Blood God demands blood sacrifices. Whether it is a prick of the thumb, a slaughtered animal, or a sentient being, giving blood appeases him enough not to come after yours.
  • Adherents often pierce, tattoo, and mutilate their bodies as a way of introducing chaos into their physical forms. Body modifications are said to bring the Last God’s favor, which is why they are stigmatized by the majority of the civilized world.
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Other Information

  • Victories in battle are acknowledged by breaking a bloody spear over the battlefield, even by people who don’t worship him
  • People looking to protect their homes from the Last God will hatch and release a gosling on their property as an apotropaic offering.
  • The Last God’s adherents are dangerous to society, as they embrace conflict, start wars, commit crimes, and engage in slavery. Extremists have been known to burn entire cities to the ground, overrun nations, and assassinate leaders.
  • People with tattoos are stigmatized because tattoos are associated with the Last God
  • He loves Adar and is Adar’s on-and-off lover
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Lagahashra the Last God by GeoCaecias

Divine Domains
Blood, Tempest, Trickery, War
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Last God, Blood God, Maw, War, Chaos, Hunger, Dweller
Destruction, anger, chaos, war
Holy Symbol
Two-headed goose, Bloody spear, Fire