Pirnveths Strads


When people come to adulthood, they choose a patron deity. This is the deity that they feel most accurately reflects their own beliefs and values. For example, those who value dreams, and see them as an important part of their core beliefs will likely choose Ai as their patron deity, where as those who believe laws and order are of the highest importance will likely choose to follow Gouled, or should passion be what someone values above all else, they will likely choose to follow Solotsa. 
  This patron deity will be the one that from day to day people will pray to. They will most friequently go to a temple dedicated to this patron god. However, in some cases, one may pray to another deity and this will not often be taken as a slight. Say a merchant is traveling through a large swath of wilderness to get to their destination. They may have chosen Gouled as their patron, but Quordsei is the goddess of the wilds. As such this merchant may pray to Quordsei for a safe journey. 
  Furthermore, should one feel that their values have changed, they are free to seek patronage from a new deity. Each god will have their own requirements for attaining patronage under them, but this is often monetary or a minor act of service to show devotion.


At the highest level of the church are the seven Anointed. They are second to only the gods. The Anointed are able to commune directly with the gods, and are able to distribute knowledge through the priesthood directly from the gods. 
  Under the Anointed are the Ai'haithebl. There are normally between ten and fifteen Ai'haithebl, but really the exact number is up to the Anointed. In the eighth century, it is said that Anointed Creefucheha of Shy had nearly four dozen Ai'haithebl, and currently Anointed Yaiflear of Eized only has four. The Ai'haithebl are protectors to the Anointed as well as being the ones responsible for traveling to temples around Evelire to ensure that the gods work is being seen to. The Ai'haithebl are permitted to take on their own apprentices to help with these tasks, but this is a special position that falls into somewhat of a gray area in the hierarchy.
  Next are individual temples priesthood. Each temple is lead by a high priest selected by a council of peers, then approved by the Ai'haithebl. Below the high priests are the priests, the clerics, and the paladins. The priests administer sermons and see to the average persons needs. Clerics seek to lead by example, leading lives that uphold the core ideals of their god, and seeking to administer more direct action for those who need help. Finally are the paladins, righteous warriors who venture forth into the world to stomp out heretics, root out demonic cults, and go to war in the name of their divine patron. Clerics and paladins both have their own command structure, but it is unique from god to god, and even often temple to temple. Ultimately, they all do report back to the high priest in one fashion or another.
Religious, Pantheon
Permeated Organizations


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