The Ten Swords


Lor Covmi and Ien Luerge were the first two blades, appointed as the Emperors personal enforcers. They made a name for themselves during the Tiustiu Revolt in 789 after the First Legion, an elite company of Gagnan Spellweavers were crushed by the traitors. Lor and Ien were able to hold the First Legions position for nearly half an hour alone, before help arrived from the Eighth and Seventeenth Legions.

After the Tiustiu Revolt, Emperor Trinrse gave them leave to establish their own unit of highly trained fighters to assist the Legions in the wars against the Luemadre tribes of the Krictis region. They recruited Neuctru Clan, Pian Inbre, Fuonrnan Dai, Eute and Steumda Plorto, Rosevre Streu, Lieu Fe, and Cuen Nan, all of whom where well regarded and highly skilled. The original Ten Blades lasted form 793 until 819.

In 819, the Blades were sent to Bugeurdigme, in modern day Fligaurquunt, where they were ambushed by a force of one hundred drow freedom fighters. The Bugeurdigme Massacre left the drow fighters in shambles, over ninety percent of them falling, however, not before Eute Plorto and Pian Inbre also fell. This event solidified the Blades reputation to legend, however, left them without there full team. From 819 until 821, the Ten Swords were rather inactive, and in this time Seumda Plorto also left, sighting the loss of her brother as to terrible to endure. Many believed that the event that brought them to unheard of heights may also be the event that tore them apart. However, Ien had been training 20 soldiers to some day join the Blades, and in 822, when word arrived that the southern front had fallen and it seemed that the feyfolk of the Chinble may begin invading Gagna, Ien pulled her top three students, Co Muf, Tripo Da, and Carside Eucnude to join the Ten Blades. However, Co Muf refused to join, and she was forced to pick the fourth student Porcyi Fuanlme.

Together they rode for the southern boarder and were successful in securing much of the wetlands before Emperor Trinrse declared the region lost to the feyfolk, and withdrew his soldiers back toward the northern shores of the Sea of Kings.


The Ten Swords of Gagna disbanded after Porcyi the Betrayer turned on the other nine after becoming a warlock to Rafre the Cruel, one of the nine demon princes of Shadowfelle. After their fall, seven of the ten blades vanished into history. Only Nine of Dusk, Porcyi's blade, Firesoul, Suarpran's blade, and Desolation and Tranquility, Lor's sword, are ever spoken of again.

I Glesquurse Duave Puquipre

793 - 832

Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization


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