AUN Quick-response Units

Every squadron in the Army of the United Nations border guard fortresses has 1-2 units with similar structure and manpower. This kind of unit has a wide range of tasks from guarding the Keep, waiting in a stand-by position near the gates, participating in continuous training, to going on difficult missions into Ganu's different regions. They have only one rest day in a week if they are not ordered out to Ganu.
A quick-response unit has 32 permanent members.
  • The leader is an officer, a captain, or a lieutenant.
  • The second-in-command is a promising second lieutenant, who will command his unit one day.
  • Since the foundation of the AUN, every unit has at least one Healer and one Warmage.
  • Quick-response units usually have 2-5 scouts.
  • The rest of the members are Archers and Swordsmen.
  • They don't use Cavalry but have designated Dustrunners, horses, and other animals for transportation.
If there is a special mission, the General will add more healers, warmages or scouts, depending on the task.
Every member of the unit is well-trained about the locals, customs, desert tactics, natural dangers, and survival, to minimize additional losses.
AUN soldiers start their training in their homelands, and after finishing their mandatory military service, with a recommendation from their superior they may join the special AUN training. After two years - or one year, if they already have a rank - the newcomers are transported to Gufrak, where they take a three-month theoretical training about Ganu and the Segaii. Only after this, they are assigned to a role, a squadron, and a unit, in one of the six border-guard fortresses.
Switching roles after arriving at the Keep is rare, only the rank can elevate with time and experience.
The most successful and youngest member was Captain Petra Ennelis, who reached her rank at 19 years old, two years before she demobilized, and married a noble of Zililon.
The members spend most of their time in the designated Keep, but sometimes units are ordered to switch posts. In downtime, they can and do visit the welcoming Segai villages and towns, and like every five to ten years, they can visit their homeland and family. If something big or bad happens in their family, if they are not on an ongoing mission, they can visit home for a short time.
Since Gufrak's Command Center has a connected teleportation system with Ellerion and Highgarden, Mystic elves and Humans can travel close to the same speed as the Dwarven and Giant members of the units.
Special Forces
Általános képzettség
Feltételezett Tapasztalat

Harmorgar Keep by A.I. (OpenArt SDXL)

Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
Character flag image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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Aug 17, 2024 15:42 by Marjorie Ariel

It's probably good that they switch posts sometimes. I bet that having to learn about new people and new terrain helps keep their skills honed.

Aug 18, 2024 09:21 by Lia Felis

Thank You!

Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.