
Travelers or adventurers in the wilderness sometimes encountered Beastman in the wilderness, without the usual, humanoid-like senses and pure animalistic behaviors. Some said that they simply went crazy from the loneliness. Lorsan Herrel, a High-Wizard Master from the Ellerion's University of Magic, began to study the symptoms, and the sick persons came to different conclusions.
According to Master Herrel's observations, the patients faced similar backgrounds and traumas. Almost in all cases, the Beastman has fallen for the Beast-Atrophy
  • born into a lower social rank,
  • failed to stand out from their peers by lack of strength or wit,
  • experienced Bloodlust more than once in his life,
  • was excommunicated from the tribe, mostly before the illness had taken hold of him.
A common match even that
  • the patients in most cases are males,
  • many were enslaved and escaped from captivity.
The patients threw themselves into the wilderness and sought a home far from civilization. They entered the community of life with creatures bearing the same external features (i.e. a crocodile-segai may live in a secured backwater, with other crocodiles). They are fully aware that they are animals themselves. They lose the ability to speak or understand any language, think logically, and start to react aggressively to any threat or perceived event.
After examining the brains of some fallen individuals, Master Herrel clearly stated, that the Beast-Atrophy if not treated very quickly, causes irreversible destruction of the brain tissue.
After the High-Wizard shared the results of his research with High-Chieftain Gradba Nargluk, the leader of the Segaii ordered that the Hunters must bring back any Segai found in the wild to the settlements' Shrine of Vangrakath, where the shamans must decide whether the person is can be saved and suitable to live with the tribe, or not (which is a death sentence).
Vubub Segai Hunter by A.I. (Stable Diffusion 1.5)
Frog-bugit scout by A.I. (OpenArt Creative)

Cover image: Encyclopedia by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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