
A fishing and farming village on the coast of the ocean.


Humans and Elves live here.


The head of the village is Grandmaster Torn, who answers to the King.


City Guard of Highgarden
Military Formation | Sep 27, 2024
The head of the Bottomkeep branch is Deputy Captain Vassatir Banrik. (Dwarven man)


Bottomkeep has four parts:
  1. poor houses: the small houses of the poor displaced from Highgarden. Their residents are laborers and workers. A small pub, Salty Winds, offers its cheap beer through the window.
  2. manors: the houses and courtyards of the old families of Bottomkeep that have been inherited for centuries. Stables, pens, barns, and other outbuildings stand in the fenced yards. The Twin Goats Inn is also located here.
  3. market: the soul of the village. Locals and traveling merchants offer their wares on small tables. An apothecary, an antique dealer, and a general store line the square.
  4. church: Goren's church is the only attraction in the village. Although it is not an abbey, it attracts many pilgrims and students due to its historical presence. In one of the side aisles of the church is a Ralnor shrine.
Tartalmazott Területek
Birtokos/ Uralkodó
Uralkodó/ Birtokló Rang
Birtokló Szervezet

Articles under Bottomkeep

Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
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