Brazier of the Crimson Moon

In the Fourth Era of Utea, the Elemental plane of Fire slowly moved closer to the Core. The Demon Warlord Dreaded Sagradus allied with gods from Evera, to conquer the realm. To strengthen the resistance of the people in the Core, the Prophet-Warlord Catraya Nemornore, sent a curious gift to the Segaii, who was the strongest folk by her judgment.
This brazier is made from heavy and strong black metal, the one that only can be found on the Elemental Plane of Fire. It needs no ordinary fuel, just trust and prayers for the Crimson Moon and its Goddess, the Mother (Catraya). The metal is modeled after demonic figurines dancing in fire and flares with a red, smokeless flame when sincerely prayed around it. The size and brightness of the flames depend on the number of believers and the strength of their faith. This energy goes directly to Catraya.
The brazier was placed in a new shrine, not far from the sacred place of Vangrakath. This stone building was summoned from the Elemental Plane of Fire. Catraya knows well that she can't insult the Segai traditions and expects them to be followed.
As the Segaii felt more abandoned by their creator god, this new deity offered them help in their time of need. They only needed to pray, and miracles started happening all around the town. The Church of the Eternal Flame gained more followers every day.
Catraya entrusted her daughter, Morgana, to gain as many followers as she could on the Core. The young Demon Princess was successful, with her natural charm, Power Magic, and the granted divine power as a priestess of Drag'Than. She took three of the Eternal Flame's Priestesses with her, healed the sick, broke curses, and first gained the approval of the Murob, then the Dumag Chieftains. The worship of the Mother spread out on the north-western part of Ganu fast.
What the Segaii didn't know, the Brazier was not just a religious item. Catraya made the Brazier of Bolstering Disruption to confuse the Beastman, then easily led them to her Church. These followers were her first step to becoming a Real Goddess.
Morgana, Catraya's daughter by A.I. (OpenArt DnD)
Religious / Ritualistic
Current Location
Kapcsolódó etnikumok
Birtokló Szervezet
Unique relic
10 kg / 22 lbs
0,3x0,3 m, 1m tall

Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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