Dreaded Sagradus

Sagradus is a Rami Demon Warlord, one of the six rulers of the Elemental plane of Fire. He has many names all around the Planes of Evera, Lord of Violence is the most Common. The myth says he was the one who created the curse of the vampires, to bind his non-demon slaves to himself for eternity.
The Dreaded values brute force over intrigue, his army is the largest in the Plane. He leads his subjects as an unshakable general, and a significant part of his army is made up of slaves whose souls were sacrificed for him by other followers. He has the greed of an elder dragon and wants not just the Elemental Plane of Fire, but also the Core. He could not conquer the whole Plane but three other Warlords (Catraya, Hellea, and the Firedragon Zytaerth) needed to stop him. Now, with the easy alliance with Goddess Pandora, he has divine help to extend his power over the Core and its inhabitants.
His rule extends almost half of the Elemental Plane of Fire, most of the Firedragons, who live in there, the power of the vampires and many other, bloodthirsty entities, and the biggest slave army in the history of Evera. He wants to bind all the souls of the Core to his servitude. With his warlocks' help, he spreads the seeds of fear and discord to gain more power.
Sagradus does not negotiate and knows no mercy. He executes every failed subject, and feasts on their soul. His voice is like an earthquake, no one can oppose his will. The Deaded is the best of his kind, the pinnacle of Drag'Than's creatures (who was once the god of this plane, before the plans of Evera). He follows the ancient traditions, that the strong must dominate the weak, and if one of his followers accomplishes this he can gain more rank and power in the warlord's army. Sagradus demands discipline, execution of the orders, and loyalty must be proven by blood.
He stands 5 meters tall (16,5 ft) and has huge dragon-like wings and horns. His face is closer to a bull's than a man's, but usually wears black plate armor and rarely takes off his helmet. Besides his giant, flaming broadsword, he can wield Power Magic, Fire- and Earth-type Elemental Magic.
Sagradus will only settle a warlock, who agrees to send him a hundred souls as a gift during the first red moon. His warlocks have the most blood on their hand.
He currently seething with rage because after he made the deal with Pandora, whose power is greater than his, more Firedragons leave their former master, to serve a true deity. He has already regretted his alliance with the two gods of the Core, but he is sure that by using their divine powers, he will be able to bring Evera under his control.


Dreaded Sagradus


Towards Pandora, Goddess of Death


Pandora, Goddess of Death


Towards Dreaded Sagradus


Dreaded Sagradus


Towards Castien, God of the Dark Arts


Castien, God of the Dark Arts


Towards Dreaded Sagradus


Dreaded Sagradus


Towards Catraya, Mother from the Crimson Moon


Catraya, Mother from the Crimson Moon


Towards Dreaded Sagradus


Isteni Osztályozás
Demon Warlord
Jelenlegi Tartózkodási Hely
Kapcsolódó mítoszok

Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)
Character Portrait image: Sagradus by A.I. (OpenArt Creative)


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