Dryers in Ganu

In the dry eastern region of Utea, the land of the Five Realms, the deserts and savanna, the Segaii, and Bugits used different food-preserving techniques for centuries. The meat was either salted, smoked, or dried under the sun, but for preserving fruits and vegetables, they needed a different approach.
Every village and town had a place, known as "ASHLOW" - crop dryer in Beast language, where the huge, 3-4 m tall constructions were. This place is usually unguarded but busy with locals.
Ashlows are wooden or clay frameworks, with straw roofs and airwents, and trays or baskets inside (like an oven). On the savanna, they may have a leather cover or a more closed structure. They work like chimneys, the air flows from the bottom to the top inside them.
Every or every second household has an ashlow. Since all food is the property of the tribe, it's the household's task to make full use of their dryers.
The Segaii clean and chop up all the non-meat food or herbs, even their cereal, that they want to dry out. They usually place the food under dry leaves, to cover them from birds and rodents. It is common for cats to be kept near the dryers.
They place baskets of the new plants on the bottom. They move the trays higher, as they take down the oldest containers from the top. The hot air dries the food in a few days or a week. Moving the older plants is important, as any dipping moisture can ruin the already dry food. When the process is over, they place the dry food in leather pouches, bound in leaves, or place them into clay urns, until they need them.
Ganu's dryers aren't widespread in other regions of Utea, since the other parts are more rainy and the civilizations already have much easier or magical solutions for food preservation. The Segaii are proud of their smart constructions, and if the guests are welcomed in their village, they will show them as a local spectacle.
Zaghig village by A.I. (OpenArt SDXL)

Segai clay pot by A.I. (OpenArt Creative)

Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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