Foundation of the Ganu Foreign Trade Office

A decade after the peace was made with the Segaii, the Dagger, a ship from Zililon came to the harbor of Vrikdarok. The vessel was damaged, but most of the crew stayed alive. The foreigners - Mystic elves and Humans - stayed in the city and traded their goods. Once the sailing ship was ready to set sail, half of the company stayed in the capital and built a small warehouse near the docks. After 4 months, the ship returned with more foreigners and goods.
The High-Chieftain Yatur Ogol, didn't like how the outsiders made a profit in his city. He ordered their leaders to meet with him. Phramon Beirkas, a wanted wizard who left Zililon for a reason was the company's creator. He and four of his closest mates visited the High-Chieftain palace. They saw the wealthy household and wanted the same level of comfort.
They offered Yatur a tax from their profit and a constant flow of goods from the other parts of the continent. They gave him gifts, mostly flawed jewels and small magical knick-knacks from Zililon. Since the Segaii didn't value these, the High-Chieftain was not impressed but having more food from the other regions was a great deal for his people.
Yatur Ogol finally agreed to the foreigners' stay, if they formed a tribe, and accepted the Segai traditions. Thus, a new Trading Guild was formed under Phramon's leadership.
The certificate of foundation was worded in Mystic elven, but it has six signatures: four chieftains' of Vrikdarok, Phramon's, and his second-in-command Ayla Lorandan's name. It says that the tax is 5% of the yearly profit and the GFT buys out the land from the Segaii, where the new guildhall will be built - for 500 zililonian gold coins. The High-Chieftain must protect the members and assets of the GFT as the people of his tribe.
by Lia Feils (Adobe Express)
Certificate, Civil
Vellum / Skin
Szerződő felek (Szervezetek)

Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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