Ornate Quivers in Horse-Port

The inn is run by an elven couple, Amara and Lorsan Caryn. There are eight rooms for rent, one is the ducal suite, as it was also found in the inns that stood here before. This room is reserved for the nobles of the country at all times.
In addition to the usual drinks, the menu includes many specialties from mead to elegant wines and expensive cognacs. Lorsan also considers it important to have a barrel of Oldtown's Riesling, the favorite wine of King XV. Marcellus. The dishes cover a similarly wide range, from the cheapest fish to significantly more expensive roasts and game meats, including Amara's famous pastries.
Placeholder by Lia Feils (Adobe Express)
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Cover image: Utea by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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