Return of Drag'Than

After the creation of Evera, one of the ancient deities left the world. He was Drag'Than, the lord of the Fire and Blood, and the god of the Demons of the Elemental Plane of Fire.
The prophecies say that the Lord of Fire will return and remake everything on the Core to his liking, the same deadly realm as the Elemental Plane.
There will be omens for that: new stars will appear in the sky, as the god moves his world closer, to make his armies march easier to Evera. Then the world will shake as a whole, even the outer realms will feel this. In the end, unholy portals will be open, and demons and never-seen creatures will march against all life, to destroy everything.
Since Dreaded Sagradus started his campaign against the Core, the people of Evera now speaking about this old legend again. They mistake the Demon Warlord and his doing with the omens of the End Days with his creator god.
In the meantime, the Dragon Goddess and all the deities living on the Elemental Plane of Nature and Earth, preparing for the greatest war, which will decide the Fate of Evera. She wants to protect all the deities, creations, and Dragons in her world, even at the cost of her life.
However, Drag'Than himself doesn't shove up yet, and the Demons of the Fire Plane usually keep themselves in their realm. The deadly alliance of Pandora, Castien and Sagradus were the only unholy crusade against the Core in the Fourth Age of Evera.
Even the Dragon Goddess can't tell, if the legend might be came true or not. She hopes that the Lord of Fire and Blood is satisfied with his new world where there are no Dragons and other deities, and leaves Evera alone.

Cover image: Encyclopedia by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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