Squalus draconix

These creatures were bred as waterline "guard dogs" for the Mystic elven wizards of Zililon. They had Darkness-dragon, Spiny Dogfish, and Barracuda ancestors. Spiny Dogfish and Barracuda artificial crossing was a huge project both for the Neoron State and Ellerion. They wanted the size of the first and the intelligence of the last. Using Darkness-dragons as catalysts made the final creatures not just smart and big, but also naturally magical.
These days less folk keep them as guardian animals around their beach property, they were most popular in the utean Third Era. After the foundation of the Empire of Zililon, the Mystic elves moved back to the jungle and left the shores of the Blackwater behind.
Squalus' numbers slowly dwindled, as the pray became less close to the shore, and the open waters were the territory of much bigger and stronger creatures. Sometimes they pop up in different regions of the ocean, and there are only three breeding places known for them: the bay of Kele Serin, in Zililon; the gulf at the estuary of the River Xig, where Ganu's capital, Vrikdarok lies; and the last one is under the floating island of the Neoron State, in the northern region of the continent Lifeon.
The strange creatures are predators, hunting in swarms, and can behave aggressively, if they are scared.
Besides their strong jaw and huge teeth, they can spit fire in fairly long range, so they can scare away ships from their guarded territory. They swim in slow circles until they find prey. Then they became fast and lethal. Their main food is smaller fishes, octopuses, and similar animals. They rarely chase their prey for long distances, rather they look for an easier meal.
Squalus' smell is keen, and they have a good sense of direction. As a territorial creature, they tend to stay in a dedicated region. The females lay eggs, 20-50 at one time. The eggs need a year to fully develop into little hatchlings. The parents guard their eggs in turns, but many predators and even other Squaluses hunt for them as easy meals. The hatchlings need six years to grow up. In those years they followed their parents and ate the leftovers of the swarm.
Squalus draconix by A.I. (OpenArt Creative)

Genetikai Ős(ök)
50 years
Átlagos Súly
100 kg
Átlagos Hossz
2 m
Földrajzi Megoszlás
Kapcsolódó Etnikumok

Cover image: by Lia Felis (with Adobe Express)


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Jul 15, 2024 20:01 by Marjorie Ariel

A sea-creature that can also breathe fire! As if the ships didn't have enough to worry about.