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Coming of the Horrors

The room where the Oracle of Emera sits is bathed in soft, radiant light, with walls adorned in glowing runes and tapestries that shimmer with celestial patterns, while the air is filled with the faint scent of incense and the gentle hum of divine energy, creating an atmosphere of serene enlightenment.   In the twilight of epochs, as shadows lengthen and hearts grow dim, Theoni Sima, Oracle of Emera, gazes into the veil of truth and whispers of the Age of Horrors. Everall shall tremble, for the Astral Horrors awaken, drawn to the flame of magic and the murk of despair.  
Hearken, O Rulers of Realms, for the time approaches:
The Astral Ones, born of the Astral Seas, feast upon the sorrow and dread that dwell in mortal hearts. Only when magic soars shall their passage be revealed, and the veil between realms will thin.
Beware the rise of the arcane, for it heralds their descent.   In the beginning, the Lesser Shadows shall creep and slip through the cracks, their touch gentle yet insidious. As wisps that murmur in twilight, these beings sow seeds of doubt and fear, preying upon the frail and forlorn.   As the arcane currents swell, the Greater Shades will follow, manifestations of despair and torment, their power deeper and their reach wider, spreading their blight further.   Then come the Grand Specters, behemoths of sorrow and terror, whose presence warps reality, bringing forth plagues of Astral Taint and woe.   Finally, the Dread Sovereigns shall rise, titans of malevolence whose influence spans even beyond the Astral Seas. Though they cannot yet cross, their shadows loom, sowing chaos and despair to weaken the veil.   Even now, the Dread Sovereigns cast their shadows upon our world, cursing relics and lands, spreading the Astral Taint. This soul-sickness festers among the living, turning hope to despair, love to hate, joy to sorrow.   In this Age of High Magic, all are doomed. The weave of magic, once our protector, now becomes our downfall. The world shall unravel, its threads pulled by unseen hands, and darkness shall swallow all. The end is nigh, and none shall escape.   Seek the light of Emera, the Seer of Truth, to guide you. Strengthen your hearts, fortify your minds, and guard your souls. Only united, with courage and resolve, can we withstand the oncoming storm.   Rulers of realms, bind together against the looming dread. The Age of Horrors draws near, a dark tide that seeks to engulf us all.   Theoni Sima, Oracle of Emera, has spoken. The truth is revealed. Prepare, lest the Age of Horrors consume us all.


Theoni Sima, Oracle of Emera, foretells the Age of Horrors, where rising magic unleashes Astral Horrors feeding on despair. Lesser Shadows, Greater Shades, Grand Specters, and Dread Sovereigns will invade, spreading corruption and misery, culminating in the world's inevitable destruction. Unity and strength are the only defenses.

Historical Basis

The prophecy, uttered in cryptic verses by Theoni Sima, was meticulously transcribed by the Clerics of Emera onto ancient scrolls. These scrolls were sealed with sacred wards and stored in the deepest vaults of the Great Library. Copies were then dispatched by swift couriers to all the nations of Region - Moyenne, ensuring the dire warning reached every ruler.


To ensure the dire warning reached every corner of Moyenne, the emissaries of Emera embarked on a solemn mission. They delivered the prophecy to the Gnome Kingdom, the Halfling Kingdom, the fortified mountain holds of the Dwarven Kingdoms, and the hidden groves of the Elven Kingdom. Human Kingdoms were informed by these dedicated emissaries, who braved perilous roads to spread the ominous message. Every known nation of Moyenne received the prophecy through the tireless efforts of Emera's emissaries, ensuring the warning was heard far and wide.

Variations & Mutation

The original prophecy was not changed in the telling through the years, but its interpretation varied among the nations. The Gnomes with their focus on technology, saw it as a call to innovate defenses. The Halflings, valuing community, viewed it as a warning to strengthen their bonds. The Dwarves interpreted it as a need to fortify their strongholds, while the Elves saw it as a sign to deepen their connection to nature. Human Kingdoms, diverse in culture and belief, found different meanings, from uniting against a common threat to seeking mystical solutions. Thus, while the words remained unchanged, their impact resonated uniquely across Moyenne.

Cultural Reception

Gnome Kingdom: The prophecy is seen as a call to technological advancement and innovation. The Gnomes, who value progress and engineering, interpret it as a warning to develop new defenses and magical technologies. It drives their quest for knowledge and technological solutions, becoming a central theme in their narrative of resilience and ingenuity.   Halfling Kingdom: For the Halflings, the prophecy emphasizes the importance of community and mutual support. They view it as a reminder to strengthen their social bonds and communal ties. This belief is woven into their culture, reflecting their values of cooperation and harmony, and reinforcing their identity as a closely-knit society.   Dwarven Kingdoms: The Dwarves interpret the prophecy as a call to fortify their strongholds and prepare for impending darkness. Their focus on physical strength and resilience shapes their response, making it integral to their identity as stoic protectors of their realms. It reinforces their cultural narrative of enduring hardship and safeguarding their heritage.   Elven Kingdom: The Elves see the prophecy as a sign to deepen their connection with nature and strengthen their mystical practices. It influences their spiritual practices and reinforces their identity as stewards of the natural world. The legend becomes a crucial element in their story of harmony with the forest and the mystical.  They also begin to seek magical means of protecting themselves and the natural world in their forest.   Human Kingdoms: Human responses to the prophecy are varied, reflecting their diverse cultures. Some see it as a unifying force, urging them to come together against a common threat, while others interpret it as a call for mystical or diplomatic solutions. The prophecy influences their collective story by shaping their strategies and alliances in the face of looming danger.   Overall, the prophecy is a foundational element in the stories of each culture, shaping their responses, values, and identities in the face of a shared threat.

In Art

There are paintings, tapestries, songs, and statues related to the prophecy, but they often distort the truth, each artifact twisted by fear and despair. The once-clear warnings have become grim symbols of inevitable doom, reflecting the pervasive sense of hopelessness that shadows every attempt to confront the coming darkness.

Date of First Recording
50 AHM
Related Locations


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