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The Book of Preservation

The Book of Preservation was written by the dwarves of the Dhun Kalduhr in Region - Moyenne due to the predictions of Emera's Oracle, Theoni Sima, 50 years before the dwarves united into the Kingdom of Wyvernview. It was sent to all known Kaers within Moyenne that could be reached before the arrival of the Horrors and before the sealing of Wyvernview.   This Book detailed many things that were considered knowledge worth preserving by the dwarves, including but not limited to: how to read and write Common, the dwarven calendar system, information on the Gods, the Kingdoms of Moyenne, dwarven history, mushroom farming, math instruction, crop farming, animal husbandry using goats, weaving, basic forging and smithing for making and mainting tools and simple weapons, and disease/illness treatment using herbal remedies & divine rituals.   The Book of Preservation also detailed all known information about the Horrors, most of which came from the prophecy of Theoni Sima. Theoni Sima, through a vision granted by the Goddess Emera, foretold of Horrors coming from an infinite sea of endless stars to swallow magic and who fed on negative emotions. These Horrors would stop at nothing to ruin the world of Everall and they would remain until the magic levels of the world dropped and closed their paths of entry through the endless stars.

Historical Details


Key Dates and Historical Events Listed in the Book of Preservation:

  1. Highlights of the Age of High Magic (according to the dwarves)
  • Oracle Theoni Sima foretelling of the Age of Horrors
  • Civil War of the Dwarves
2. Founding of the Wyvernview Kingdom, a united kingdom of dwarves to fight the Horrors and the beginning of the current calendar system - 0 DA

3. Discovery of technology to prevent the Horrors from entering Kaers & Citadels - 346 DA

Public Reaction

Those Kaers and Citadels that received the Book of Preservation were grateful. It gave them a resource for instructing the young while living underground for so many years. It also ensured that a common language was preserved through the years of isolation.


The Book of Preservation remains a national treasure to the dwarves of Wyvernview. It has bought them much good will amongst their neighbors of the Moyenne region. There are those who complain about the one sided view of history, since the other side has been completely erased and forgotten.


The Book of Preservation was used by those who had received it throughout their entire time underground in the Kaers (approximately 500 years). It provided information to educate the young throughout this time of isolation. It also provided some basic information for farming and creating tools and simple weapons that would help the people reestablish their villages and societies once they came back above ground (the last 200 years).

Text, Literature
Authoring Date
995 DA


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