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Wild Magic Storms

While not technically a natural phenemon, Wild Magic Storms or Surges are a lasting effect of the Age of Horrors that happened 500 years ago when the magical levels in the world of Everall were extremely high thanks to the daily use of high level magics. The amount of magic that was in the ethers of the world seems to form the basis of these storms.   Most Wild Magic Storms disappear as quickly as they appeared leaving behind all sorts of strange occurences in their wake.
  • Roll a d20 to determine how many rounds the storm will last.
  • Roll a d6 to determine how many strange occurences happen due to the storm. Spread these occurences throughout the rounds of the storm as if the storm is taking a turn (or lair action).
  • Roll a d100 to determine what types of things happen due to the Wild Magic Storm on the table below.

d100Strange Occurence
1 1d6 Swarm of Insects appears in the storm and attacks the party.
2 A burial mound appears in a random location within the storm.
3 A random creature's skin turns a vibrant green. This effect lasts until their next long rest. A remove curse spell can also remove this effect.
4 A sleeping brown bear appears unconscious. If disturbed, he will immediately attack.
5 A bag of holding appears on the belt of anyone who is wearing a belt.
6 A random creature's weapon begins to speak to them. The creature is in shock and begins to argue with the weapon. The creature can only take bonus actions as it continues it's argument with the weapon. The effect lasts 1d4 rounds.
7 No creature can speak for the next minute. Every time you try, blue bubbles float out of your mouth instead and pop in your face.
8 Rain begins to fall upwards from the ground into the sky for 1d8 rounds.
9 Every creature in the storm starts smiling uncontrollably for 1 minute.
10 For the next 5 minutes, 1d4 random creatures regain 5 hit points at the start of each of their turns.
11 A nearby rock formation suddenly has 1d8 crystals burst forth from it. To extract the crystals from the rock, a character must succeed at a DC 15 DEX or INT check. Upon failure, the crystals are shattered while trying to extract them.
12 A group of ghosts appear who seem to be stuck re-enacting some sort of battle. They disappear 1d4 rounds after the storm ends.
13 Faerie fire is cast on a random point in the storm
14 A random creature within the storm gets hiccups. Intiative -1 until the storm is over.
15 A sacred pool of some sort appears. The water is a shimmering green.
16 A grove of fruit trees suddenly appears.
17 Lighting strikes a tree nearby. A fire begins to spread. The fire spreads at 1d10 feet per round until the storm ends.
18 A random creature's armor begins to speak to them. The creature charges valiantly into battle (if a battle is being fought) and cannot move away from an enemy creature until the effect has ended. The effect lasts 1d4 rounds.
19 For the next minute, a random creature must shout in order to speak, otherwise they cannot be heard.
20 Strong winds begin to blow. The wind swirls heavily around you. It blows so hard that it knows over 1d4 nearby trees. Roll a DEX saving throw DC 12 to avoid the falling trees or take 4d6 bludgeoning damage.
21 Long, thin yellow fruits begin to fall from the sky. You've heard of these before, but never seen them. You try to remember...what were they called? Babanas? 1d12 "Babanas" can be gathered up.
22 A random creature begins to glow with a bright light with a 30 foot radius for the next 1d6 rounds. Any creature that ends their turn in the light is blinded until the end of it's next turn.
23 A flight of pseudodragons (1d8) suddenly appear in the storm.
24 A heavy snow begins to fall.
25 A random humanoid creature within the storm discovers proof that he doesn't really exist!
26 Magical Darkness spreads from a random point within the storm to fill a 15 foot radius sphere for 10 minutes or until the storm ends. A creature with darkvision cannot see through the magical darkness and nonmagical lights cannot illuminate it.
27 A random creature within the storm begins to react violently to anyone displaying a holy symbol.
28 A small creek, babbling pleasantly appears within the storm.
29 A standing stone with ancient runes inscribed appears in front of a random creature within the storm.
30 Paint begins to rain down from the sky. Paint splatters all over any creatures caught in the storm. The paint can only be removed by bathing once the storm has passed.
31 Within the storm, a random creature's hands start to glow. For the next minute, each time the creature deals damage to another creature, they also deal 1 bludgeoning damage to themselves.
32 The party is surrounded by faint, ethereal fae music for one minute.
33 A random humanoid realizes that they are deathly afraid of spiders and must flee from any spider-like creatures until the storm has abated.
34 The wind begins to blow in a lulling melody. A random creature is lulled into a trance and cannot be woken or harmed for 4 hours. After the 4 hours has passed, the creature has completed a long rest and awakes feeling complely refreshed.
35 Swords magically appear and spin around a random creature within the storm. That creature cannot be damaged by swords for 1d4 days.
36 The road is suddenly obscured as shrubs and other plant life grow 4d20 feet to retake that area for nature once more.
37 A random member of the party can suddenly understand the language of squirrels.
38 It begins to rain down some kind of plant seeds. As soon as the plant seeds hit the ground they begin to sprout. The plant sprouts are bioluminsent.
39 A large lake appears from within the storm with jumping fish.
40 For the next 1 round, everyone in the storm can only take bonus actions and reactions.
41 For 1 minute whenever anyone speaks, their words come out backwards. Example, a person who says "Look out!" would actually say "Out Look!"
42 A circle of standing stones appears within the storm.
43 A traveling merchant appears from within the storm.
44 Zone of truth is cast at a random point within the storm.
45 A heavily-armoured cart carrying prisoners appears along with its 1d8 armed escorts.
46 Calm emotions is cast on a random humanoid inside the storm.
47 Blood begins to fall from sky. Every creature must make DEX saving throw DC 15 or take 1d6 damage and lose 1 hit die from their hit die pool.
48 The party suddenly feels like they are trudging through knee-deep snow, but there is nothing but grass at their feet. Speed is halved. This effect ends when the storm ends.
49 Illusionary butterflies and flower petals flutter around the party for the next minute.
50 A tornado made of crows appears within the storm. Each creature in the tornado's space must make a DC 13 STR saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 2d8 +2 piercing damage and is flung up to 20 feet away from the tornado in a random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes an object, such as a tree or cliff, the target takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 13 DEX saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone. If the saving throw is successful, the target takes half the piercing damage and isn't flung away or knocked prone.
51 A random creature within the storm has their hair turn purple.
52 The smell of freshly baked bread wafts through the air.
53 A random creature is stunned until the start of their next turn, believing that something AWESOME has just occurred.
54 Blue lightning bursts through the fog of the storm. Conjuration magic is augmented for 1d6 rounds and can add 1d10 damage to spells.
55 A burnt area of ground appears. Perhaps a fireball or explosion happened here?
56 Haste is cast on a random creature within the storm
57 The party sees a man in the distance. It waves at them and they hear "Hello" whispered in their ear, and breath on their neck, as if the speaker were right next to them. The man has no face. The man disappears when the storm abates.
58 A cliff face with the carved faces of the gods can be seen within the storm. Once the storm ends, the cliff face disappears as well.
59 A clearing appears, in a random spot of the storm, containing a pond and ducks.
60 An acid rain begins to fall from the storm for 1d4 rounds. Each creature that is not under full cover must make a DEX saving throw DC 10 or take 2d6 damage.
61 A strange odor is on the air. It makes your nose itch and tingle.
62 Everyone starts throwing up sea water. It tastes strangely minty.
63 Red flames begin to dance through the fog of the storm. They do not cause anything to burn or catch on fire. However, evocation magic is augmented for 1d6 rounds and can add 1d10 damage/healing to spells.
64 It begins to rain for 1d6 rounds. Thunder booms loudly all around you. Lightning strikes 2d20 feet away from a random creature. Open flames are dampened but not put out.
65 1d12 Ancient trees, twisted and gnarled, appear at a random location within the storm.
66 High winds force everyone to make a DC 15 CON check or fall prone.
67 Purple shadows begin to dance in the storm. They take almost humanoid forms. Illusion magic is augmented for 1d6 rounds and can add 1d10 damage to spells.
68 A grove of large mushrooms appears in a random location in the storm.
69 1d100 Ancient coins begin to rain down from the storm.
70 A random creature within the storm suddenly increases in size to become a HUGE size creature. The creature's weight is multiplied by 8. Until the spell ends, the target has advantage on STR checks and STR saving throws. The creature's weapons grow with them to match the creature's new size. Attacks with these weapons add 1d4 extra damage.
71 1d6 holes appear that have been dug into the ground in a variety of random locations within the storm.
72 The temperature of the area gets much warmer.
73 A random creature within the storm suddenly decreases in size to become a TINY size creature. The creature's weight is divided by 8. Until the spell ends, the target has disadvantage on STR checks and STR saving throws. The creature's weapons shrink with them to match the creature's new size. Attacks with these weapons lose 1d4 damage (damage cannot be reduced below 1).
74 A random creature within the storm affected by the spell Dissonant Whispers. They hear a discordant melody that wraks it with terrible pain. Target must make a Wisdom saving throw DC 13. On a failed save, creature takes 3d6 psychic damage and must immediately use its reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed allows in a random direction trying to get away from the sound. On a successful save, target takes half as much damage and doesn't have to move away.
75 One creature in the storm suddenly loses all of their hair.
76 The next spell cast within the storm gets cast an extra 1d4 times at the same target or the closest area to the targeted area if an area effect spell.
77 The smell of sulfur wafts through the air. It tingles and tickles every creatures' nose. Disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks until the storm passes.
78 The next spell cast has the exact opposite effect as intended.
79 The ruins of an ancient city appear within the storm.
80 An adventurer's pack falls from the storm. The pack is spattered with blood.
81 The temperature of the area gets much colder.
82 Purple shadows begin to dance in the storm. They take almost humanoid forms. Illusion magic is augmented for 1d6 rounds and can add 1d10 damage to spells.
83 A lone archway appears in a random location within the storm. It is not connected to anything.
84 The party's weapons are enchanted with lightning which adds 1d8 damage for the next 1d4 turns.
85 One creature in the storm suddenly grows a beard.
86 A bridge suddenly appears at a random location within the storm.
87 Hail begins to fall from the sky. Every creature within the storm must make a DEX save DC 15 if not under full cover or take 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
88 Clouds begin to darken like a horrible thunderstorm. As the clouds condense, they grow ever dark and become a shapeless mass. The shapeless mass suddenly falls from the sky and soaks a random creature.
89 The air begins to taste like wine. Every creature must make a CON saving throw DC 10 or they become drunk giving them Disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the storm passes.
90 The wind carries the sound of a horde of troops marching towards you, metal clanging on metal. After 1 round, the sound changes to the sounds of battle nearby. After 3 rounds, the party can hear soldiers crying out in pain. After another round, the sounds go eerily silent.
91 A large pile of bones appears from within the storm. These bones don't look like animal bones...
92 A streak of green lightning flashes in the fog of the storm. It strikes out at a random creature who needs to make a DEX saving throw DC 17 or be teleported to another streaking blue lightning flash in the fog that is 3d20 feet away from the starting location.
93 The storm begins to radiate a brilliant light. Divine magic is augmented for 1d6 rounds and can add 1d10 to all spells (healing or attack).
94 A strong wind begins to blow from within the storm for 1d4 rounds. All ranged weapon attacks rolls are at disadvantage and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing. The strong wind extinguishes any open flames and making flying by nonmagical means nearly impossible (Dex saving throw DC 30).
95 1d10 arrows rain down from the storm. Creatures must make a DC 15 Dex save or be hit with 1d6 damage.
96 A nearby tree begins to grow large green fruit. Upon inspection, the "fruit" are actually apple sized emeralds. 1d6 emeralds can be extracted from the tree with a DC 12 STR or INT roll.
97 It begins to rain for 2d6 rounds. Open flames are dampened but not put out.
98 Disembodied voices are heard floating on the breeze.
99 A magic tree suddenly grows in 1d4 rounds. If it takes no damage and is left undisturbed, it will produce 1d6 golden peaches. Eating a golden peach provides the effects a long rest. If the tree is damaged, the peaches wither and fall to the ground, where they change into Giant Fire Beetles.
100 A magical glade appears within the storm. A mage or some other magic user (or fey creature) has a residence here. There is a 50% chance they are friendly.


A radiation fog with rainbow lightning crackling through it is called a Wild Magic Storm. This thick fog can be anywhere from three feet to a thousand feet thick. Such a deep, dense fog reduces visibilty to zero.


At the center of the storm, known as the storm's eye is a dead magic zone. No magic spells cast in this area will work at all.   No magical spells seem to affect or dissapate these Wild Magic Storms including a Control Weather spell or a wind spell. In fact, casting magical spells around a Wild Magic Storm Surge is not recommended as the spell is often warped and changed by the storm itself. If a spell is cast, roll a d100 to determine if it causes another strange occurence (1-25). This strange occurence happens immediately after the spell is cast.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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