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The Constellation-class 64-gun Ship-of-the-Line is a large heavy warship favored by pirates due to its speed and cargo capacity. With a large array of weapons ports, the Constellation-class was renown for being quite a formidible foe. However, being still fairly cheap as its a civilian market warship, there were some drawbacks. The Constellation-class suffered from a serious lack of built in armor, thus making it significantly weaker than other comparable models to broadsides. Still, that shouldnt be considered as it being weak, the Constellation-class was more than capable of holding its own.  


The Constellation-class has a grand total of 4 main decks including the top deck with an additional much smaller Hold that is not meant to actually do anything, though that hasnt stopped some efficient minds to find a way.  

Top Deck

The main top deck is divided into three sections plus the captains cabin that enters and exits right out onto the top deck.
The rear quarter is reserved from the raised quarterdeck, and raised it is on the Constellation-class. Nearly twelve feet higher than the middle deck. Atop the quarterdeck is the helm and the officers command area. There are also 4 swivel gun mounts, two on either side.
The mid-deck is the middle portion of the top deck and the largest chunk. Another 4 swivel gun mounts are located on the mid-deck with 2 on either side.
The raised forecastle on the Constellation-class is fairly prominant. Actually reinforced with a small armory inside and 3 different levels, the forecastle has all 4 of the the front chasers of the Constellation-class. The top level of the forecastle includes the 4 front swivel guns. And a rear wall on the forecastle allows the castle to act defensively against the mid-deck as well, letting those on the forecastle fire down onto the mid-deck from a raised fortification.
Captains Cabin
Underneath the Quarterdeck is a small suite for the captain. With four different rooms, a main room, a bathroom, servants quarters and a master bedroom. The Captains Cabin numbers about 2000 square feet in size.  

Top Gun Deck

The Top Gun Deck is the first deck down that has 14 guns on either side. Gun crews have their own cots and bunks next to their assigned gun ports. And a large ammo depot supplies the next of anything they might need.  
Officers Quarters
At the rear is the officers quarters, where the officers sleep in a rather nice series of bunks and private accomodations. Including their own private restroom.  

Bottom Gun Deck

Similar to the top gun deck, the bottom gun deck has 14 guns on either side, with specialized cots and areas for each gun crews assigned guns. The bottom gun deck has its own restroom with piping that pushes waste out into the ocean.  
Rear Weapons Room
A large weapons room at the rear under the officers quarters and the captains cabin. Four additional gun ports pointed aft protect the ship here.  

Crew Deck

The last deck at the bottom is the crew deck. Large sleeping areas plus the main cargo hold resides here. Theres also a brig with capacity for 20 and a solitary cell. A library is also located in the aft portion along with a recreational hall. Up near the front is a large mess hall and kitchen. The Crew Deck of the Constellation-class had extra effort put in to make it comfortable.  


The final bottom is the Hold. No actual dedicated thought was put in what to do with the hold since it was such a small portion, at only 5 1/2 feet tall in the center. There is also no actual floor in the hold. Most captains of Constellation-class vessels use the Hold for storage of food and the like. Though its difficult to get in and out.

Weapons & Armament

The Constellation-class has 64 guns. With its main power coming from the 28 guns on either side of the ship equaling 56 in total across the two gun decks. An additional 4 chasers are in the front and rear, a paltry amount which harkons to the fact the main power of the Constellation comes from its broadside, not from its forward or rear cannons.   The Constellation also has an additional 12 swivel guns, 6 on either side, on the top deck. Four are located on the quarterdeck, four in the middle, and the last fore on the forecastle.

Armor and defense

The Constellation-class is made of oak, which is its first and last line of defense. Leading to an overall decreased amount of survivability and defense compared to its peers.   HP: 2,680
Used by
100,000 Gold(New), 65,000 Gold(Used)
45 ft
165 ft
1,364 Tonnes Burthen
Complement / Crew
500, 430 Sailors, 70 Marines
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
45t(55t if counting the Hold), 50 passengers


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