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Vampires: 106
Vampire Spawn: 400
Dhampyr: 2,172
Assimar: 40
Humans: 10,736
Half-Orcs: 135
Elves: 660
Half-Elves: 460
Lizard Folk: 800
Teifling: 10
Orcs: 958
Valciss: 1010
Gnomes: 210
Ghouls (under control):100
Awakened Skeletons:100
Deadlight Drow:106
Dwarves: 61

Humans: 80
Elves: 20
Half-Orcs: 20
Teiflings: 99
Hobgoblins: 100


The Government of Deadwell has two separate departments/Structures. 
The first is the Dominion Leadership as Deadwell is the Capital of the new Dominion and is as follows:
Empress: Ithiria Corsuret (Human Vampire) (F)
Consort: Jasper Corsuret (Aasimar) (F)
Councilor: Vrage Corsuret (Dhampyr) (M)
Grand Diplomat: Vilna Deritan (Dhampyr) (F)
High Generals: Ithiria IV (Human)(F),Vs'Sik (Lizardfolk M)
High Admiral: Albright (Elven)(F)
High Priest: Vacant
Magister: Vacant
Marshal: Vacant
Royal Enforcer: Triel T'Suin (Drow Vampire) (F)
Spymaster: Akia (Kitsune Vampire) (F)
Treasurer: Tashia (Human) (F)
Warden: Vacant

The day to day Operations of the city is run by the City's Ci'ta Lord a Catfolk named Charlian and his Aasimar wife,cousin of Jasper- Grace Lawsber. 


The city is surrounded by stone walls of vampiric design, and each district is separated by stone walls. there is a Barracks for housing troops as well. 1 Legion is Stationed in the Capital.

Industry & Trade

Currently Operating in the city and providing some income are the following:
Armor Smith: 1
Dance Hall: 1
Inn: 1
Tavern: 1
Baker: 1
Butcher: 1
General Store: 1
Docks: 1 (4 ships can dock)


Blue Ward
The Blue ward is one of the northern districts for the Capital. It is controled Majorly by the Blue Tail tribe of humans that joined the dominion early on. The ward is still 80% human. Sights and locations in this ward include the Mercenary Guild Hall, One of the cities Librarys, The cities Temple to Luna, and an orphanage set up by the empress for those children who have lost their familys in war, disease and other means. There is one Small Mansion belonging to the Empresses Hetataeri Telraniel Virran in this district as well. THere are many plans for the districts growth.

East Ward
The east ward is a developing ward. Right now it is mainly a mixed population of Lizardfolk, Orcs, Humans and elves. There is a small mansion in this district as well belonging to the Empresses head Hetataeri Ithiria IV and her family. The biggest attraction for this Ward at the moment is the Bakery here selling fresh bread and pasteries daily, making the area around it smell amazing especially in the mornings.

Dock Ward
The dockward is the cities oldest and largest ward currently in the city. It is composed Mainly of Lizardfolk,orcs and humans. The Cities currently only Inn "The Lucky Lock" is here, serving travelers, sailors and many others. The Inn is Controled by one of the Vampires named Tirel and even though it is a Dock ward inn, it is not by any means a common in. the food and drink are excellent as well as the furnishings. Close to the Inn is a dance hall "The Prancing Satyr" a newer establishment but busy none the less with celebrations, dances and even some weddings. This District also contains the Cities Grave yard and Temple to Kinada in it. Like the East ward with their Bakery the cities Butcher is also here, along with the cities Only Armorer and a General store.
Currently the Empress Resides in the Dock ward in one of the two mansions Built here, Both belonging to the families of her S'rikk, the Mansion that she resides in belongs to the Nantarish Teifling S'rikk family, and has guards around the outside.

Royal Ward
The Royal ward is filled with Vampires, Humans, Dhampyrs, Skeletons and zombies. the cities few dragon born also reside here. Most of the ward is from the Deadlight Empire having immigrated to Deadwell to avoid being scapegoats to the Lich leader of the deadlight empire. The cities Military Barracks and stables are located in this District as well as a Tavern/inn/brothel called "The Imperial rose".
The rose is a sister Brothel to the one in Oliscaster run by the daughter of the true imperial roses matron. It is a 4 story tall building the largest building currently in the city. like the rest of the royal ward the design of the structure is vampiric in nature. Inside is a luxury club. with gambling tables, dancers, a bar and many many scantily clad women happily selling their services. Only those that can afford this places services can enter as costs for a single room for a night runs about 100gp, and the girls are generally pricer than that.

Guilds and Factions

In the Blue ward is the Mercenary and Adventurers Guild, open to all.

Points of interest

Temple of Luna in the Blue Ward
Temple of Kinada in the Dock Ward


At the current point in time each district has a hodgepodge of architecture.
The Blue ward is Mainly Human design tribal style housing and buildings, Long houses and the Like though there is a Library and Mercenary Guild house as well in this district that are done in Vampiric Architecture.
The Dock ward is a Mix of Orc, Human, and Lizardfolk construction for living areas, though the Inn "The Lucky Lock" is clearly Vampire design as is the Temple to the Vampire Goddess Luna. there are also 2 Mansion Estates of Vampiric Design in this ward, One housing the City's Lord, the other One of Ithiria's S'rikk Families and also doubles as Ithirias house for the moment.
The Royal District has just formed or started to and all the housing in here is of Vampiric styling

Natural Resources

There are 3 Farms and 1 Ranch around the Capital providing food to the capital city and its populace. and there are fisheries operating out of the dock ward bringing in fresh catches daily.
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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