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2nd Vampire Dominion


The culture of the Vampire Dominion was heavily geared around undeath, and not just undeath of the body such as the case with Vampires, but could often be associated with other types of undeath such as Lich's.
One of the most pivotal aspects of the Dominion was the act of 'ascension' where a living mortal would undergo the process of becoming a Vampire, Lich or other intelligent undead and join the ranks of the Dominions upper class. Necrophytes as they were called, were often living mortals which spent a period of time preparing themselves and learning about their ascension. Time spent as Necrophytes was more than just teaching mortals how to be a vampire or an undead of their choice, it was also a period of time where the necrophyte would be taught how to be an officer, noble, and overall a leader within the Dominion.
  Necrophytes could come from every class within the Dominion, promising slaves might have been singled out, or the children of a valiant Hetataeri might have been granted the gift of becoming a Necrophyte. Necrophytes were put under the supervision of a 'Nekrevopriest/Nekrevopriestess'. A Nekrevopriest was typically an undead who usually by choice or sometimes as temporary mild punishment, would take on a number of Necrophytes, normally about 5 as their own personal underlings for about 6 Months to 1 Year with the intention of teaching them everything they needed to learn become ascending to becoming an undead lord. Nekrevopriests typically taught only one type of undead and trained them for that. The most common and most accepted were of course vampires with Lich's coming in as a close second. Nekrevopriests were not always undead (though it was exceptionally rare for them not to be), all they had to do was prove to their Lord that they were capable enough and understanding enough of Dominion Culture and the undead of choice that they could teach a number of Necrophytes and raise them into being valuable members of the Dominion upper class.

Demography and Population

Total Population:133,500
Free Population Breakdown:
Vampire Spawn:500
Dhamphyrs: 2,345 (8%)
Humans:95,121 (4%)
Elves:2,985 (2%)
Halflings:773 (1%)
Dwarves:555 (2%)
Orcs:1,655 (5%)
Half-Orcs:4,848 (1%)
Teiflings:1,437 (3%)
Half-Elves:4,166 (9%)
Aasimar:1,177 (4%)
Lizard Folk:3,415 (12%)
Valciss:1,020 (1%)
Gnomes:1,220 (10%)
Ghouls (under control):100
Awakened Skeletons:100
Dragonborn:116 (8%)
Deadlight Drow:110 (4%)
Drow: 962
Naga: 5
Hobgoblin: 600

Slave Population Breakdown:
Humans: 4,733 (4%)
Elves: 521 (8%)
Half-Orcs: 321 (6%)
Teiflings: 808 (10%)
Hobgoblins: 1,105 (5%)
Drow: 55     Vampiric Hosts in the Dominion
Corshuret Host-Royal Host
Hinata Host-Ani'ch Host
Validor Host- Ani'ch Host

Non-Vampiric Houses in the Dominion
House Shilbek
House Lawsber
House Charlian


Allowed and Sponsored Religions:
Luna - Primary Religion (during Peacetime)
Kinada - Primary Religion (During wartime)
Abadar- Secondary Religion
Asmodeus- Secondary Religion
Calistria- Secondary Religion
Erastril- Secondary Religion
Gorum- Tertiary Religion
Gozreh- Secondary Religion
Iomedae- Secondary Religion
Ioroi- Secondary Religion
Nethys- Secondary Religion
Norgorber- Tertiary Religion
Sarenrae- Tertiary Religion
Shelyn- Secondary Relgion
Torag- Secondary Religion
Urgathoa- Secondary Religion
Shynyana- Tertiary

Barred Religions
Cayden Cailean -Bared, Exiled from Dominion if found worshiping
Desna- Bared, Exiled from Dominion if found worshiping
Lamashtu- Barred, Death if found Worshiping
Pharasma- Barred, Imprisonment for 10 years followed by exile if found worshiping
Rovagug- Barred, Death if found Worshiping
Sol- Barred, Death if found Worshiping (unless Cleric of Luna allows Exile)
Zon-Cuthon- Bared, Exiled from Dominion if found worshiping

Primary Religions have no Restrictions on Size of Locations of worship
Secondary Religions are Restricted to Shrines and Temples Only without Approval From a High Lord.
Tertiary Religions are Restricted to Shrines Without approval from a High Lord, Never allowed Cathedrals


Punishment for a crime can include one or more of the following, based on the nature of the crime, who or what the crime is committed against, and the criminal record of the convicted:
• Death (usually by being drained of blood)
• Exile (for a number of years or summers)
• Flogging (a set number of strokes)
• Hard labor (for a period of days, months, or years depending on the seriousness of the crime)
• Imprisonment(for a period of days or months depending on the seriousness of the crime)
• Fine (payable to the city; inability to pay the fine leads to imprisonment and/or hard labor)
• Damages (payable to the injured party or victim’s kin; inability to pay damages leads to imprisonment and/or hard labor)
• Edict (forbidding the convicted from doing something; violation of an edict can result in imprisonment, hard labor, and/or a fine)

I. Crimes against Lords, Officials, and Nobles
Assaulting or impersonating a Lord: death
Assaulting or impersonating an official or noble: flogging, imprisonment up to a tenday, and fine up to 500 gp
Blackmailing an official: flogging and exile up to 10 years
Bribery or attempted bribery of an official: exile up to 20 years and fine up to double the bribe amount
Murder of a Lord, official, or noble: death
Using magic to influence a Lord without consent: imprisonment up to a year, and fine or damages up to 1,000 gp
Using magic to influence an official without consent: fine or damages up to 1,000 gp and edict

II. Crimes against the Cities
Arson: death or hard labor up to 1 year, with fines and/or damages covering the cost of repairs plus 2,000 gp
Brandishing weapons without due cause: imprisonment up to a tenday and/or fine up to 10 gp
Espionage: death or permanent exile
Fencing stolen goods: fine equal to the value of the stolen goods and edict
Forgery of an official document: flogging and exile for 10 summers
Hampering justice: fine up to 200 gp and hard labor up to a tenday
Littering: fine up to 2 gp and edict
Poisoning a city well: death
Theft: flogging followed by imprisonment up to a tenday, hard labor up to 1 year, or fine equal to the value of the stolen goods
Treason: death
Vandalism: imprisonment up to a tenday plus fine and/or damages covering the cost of repairs plus up to 100 gp
Using magic to influence an official without consent: fine or damages up to 1,000 gp and edict

III. Crimes against Citizens (Vampires feeding do NOT count as long as left alive)
Assaulting a citizen: imprisonment up to a tenday, flogging, and damages up to 1,000 gp
Blackmailing or intimidating a citizen: fine or damages up to 500 gp and edict
Burglary: imprisonment up to 3 months and damages equal to the value of the stolen goods plus 500 gp
Damaging property or livestock: damages covering the cost of repairs or replacement plus up to 500 gp
Disturbing the peace: fine up to 25 gp and edict
Murdering a citizen without justification: death or hard labor up to 10 years, and damages up to 1,000 gp paid to the victim’s kin
Murdering a citizen with justification: Hard labor up to 3 years or damages up to 1,000 gp paid to the victim’s kin
Robbery: hard labor up to 1 month and damages equal to the value of the stolen goods plus 500 gp
Slavery: LEGAL but owner is held responsible for slaves actions if laws broken
Using magic to influence a citizen without consent: fine or damages up to 1,000 gp and edict
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
2nd Dominion, The Dominion
Predecessor Organization
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Duchy of Nosgoth
Duchy of Vadian
Platinum- Tricrown
Gold- Lions
Silver- Falcons
Copper- Thumbs
Major Exports
Legislative Body
High Council
Judicial Body
The Obsidian Order
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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