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Flynzu Sterling

"So, you want to know my story? Not much to tell, yet; I am not even halfway through life. Ironic, then, that it is only recently that my life truly began. Suddenly being hailed as the local hero will do that to a person. Mayhaps I should begin with an earlier time. I had a proper home, and proper parents, who made a proper living, according to proper town customs. I look back and gag at the sheer bore it all seems to be, now. Nevertheless, I was a good child. I did my chores. I cared for the animals. I was a good influence for my sisters. I went to my music lessons without complaint. I gave my elders the proper respect. ...Pfft. I jest. I was a terror. But the animals did love me, I promise! And I did brilliantly with my music lessons; much better than I did caring for crops. And I suppose that stupid lute did come in handy later on in life, against that wolf pack. The official story is that I bravely weathered bites and slashes and lulled the wolves to a peaceful slumber at the cost of my precious lute. ...On a related note, a lute can make for a wonderful bludgeon weapon in a pinch. Regardless, my acts of heroism (which I assuredly did not scream the warcry of a twelve-year-old-girl throughout) earned me the respect and admiration of the town... not to mention more than a few ladies. ;) Alas, there was a side effect of that encounter that I had not counted on. The terror in my chest... the way my heart did race with the strength of twenty horse hooves rhythmically beating the earth... It was the siren call of adventure... and I craved it. So I said my goodbyes and departed my town for the sake of the call. Oh, and I replaced that dreadful lute with a viol. A superior instrument."
Current Location
Year of Birth
806 33 Years old

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Flynzu Sterling

Bard 1 Class & Level
Halfling Race
Any Alignment

Strength 13
Dexterity 16
constitution 15
intelligence 13
wisdom 13
charisma 16
Total Hit Dice 1
Hit Die 1d8+2
2 proficiency bonus
11 Passive perception
1 Strength
5 Dexterity
2 Constitution
1 Intelligence
1 Wisdom
5 Charisma
saving throws
3 Acrobatics
3 Animal Handling
1 Arcana
1 Athletics
0 Deception
0 History
0 Insight
0 Intimidation
0 Investigation
3 Medicine
0 Nature
0 Perception
5 Performance
5 Persuasion
0 Religion
0 Sleight of Hands
0 Stealth
3 Survival
Hit Points
25 ft.




Personality Traits




Features & Traits


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