
Legend tells of the crossbreeding of two great mythical creatures the Unicorn and the Pegasus creating an even more epic breed known as the Alicorn. The account of such creatures is primarily documented in the Readings of Elves and the occasional astute writings of Wizards who spend much of their company and research time with Elves. If there is a beast of such legend even many Elves dismiss it as only a myth. If such a creature exists in Evermyst information on the location and number of such creatures are probably only kept in the Highest ranking libraries of elves.

Basic Information


The Alicorn for the most part resembles Horses and Unicorn with Four legs but in addition, it has wings much like that of an eagle and the ever-present Horn like Unicorn atop its head.

Biological Traits

Alicorn is magically resistant this ability extends to riders they readily accept and bond with while riding them. Alicorns' Strong sense to Detect evil and good and magic is reflected in its horn. In the presence of Evil, the horn will become dull and almost grey in color in the presence of Good it will have a strong yellow-to-pink sheen. They can use their horns to people or things and if they are magical their horn will glow a brilliant blue hue.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is a well-guarded secret as to the astrological alignments and magics used but it is only through meticulous magical spells and breeding is an Alicorn created.

Growth Rate & Stages

Foal (0-11 Months), Yearling (1-2 Years), Colt or Filly (2-6 years), Stallion or Mare (6-30 years)

Ecology and Habitats

Pastures, Green Fields, Plains, and Forests with abundant grass.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Primarily Grasses, Hay, Alfalfa, Oats, Clover

Biological Cycle

Alicorns age similarly to horses and unicorns and Pegasus but once they reach the adult stage they do not suffer the effects of age as other Equine Animals they remain Vibrant and strong Throughout their adulthood. When they do die they simply go to sleep within 24 hours of falling asleep their bodies turn to an Irridesent ash that if not collected will dissipate within the next 24 hours. It is rumored that this ash is needed in the magical incantation to create or breed other Alicorns.


Alicorns are not timid, they tend to be a more spirited breed. Alicorns do not readily accept riders and with their strong sense of good and evil, they are very discerning about accepting masters and riders.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Alicorns will mingle with horses, Unicorn or Pegasus often because of their spirited nature they may become leaders of a Herd if they escaped attempts at domestication.   Alicorns once domesticated enjoy and prefer the company of Humanoids that treat them well and for the most part docile around other animals.


Domestication is the final challenge once an Alicorn is Magically bred if Unsuccessful The Alicorn usually throws its intended master or rider and flees for isolation and freedom.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Alicorns Horn and Wing feathers serve many magical uses and the Alicorn's Horn is possibly more prized than that of the Unicorn.

Average Intelligence

Above Average Animal

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Alicorns can Naturally sense both magic and have a strong sense of good and evil.
Alicorn by Craftydm
Challenge Level (1-20)
Extremely Rare
Number Encountered
Movement Types
Fly, Walk
Unicorn, Pegasus
15-30 years
Average Height
5 1/2' Feet Equine Terms 15-18 hands high (Average 16-17)
Average Weight
800-1200 pounds
Average Length
12-18' Feet Equine Terms 28-40 Hands
Average Physique
Muscular, Tall.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Alicorns have only been recorded as having White coats some with Grey and White Spotted Hind quarters.

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