Library of Ibris

Set Atop a Remote Location within the southern Stoneshard Peaks atop a Nearly Inaccessible Granite Rock plateau is the Library of Ibris. The Library of Ibris Overlooks the Everskald River and Waterfalls. There is but a simple trail once you enter the Stoneshard Foothills until you get within a Mile of the Library when the path changes to a Cobblestone Path Just wide enough to fit a cart. After the Mile of Travel along this Cobblestone road through the Foothills, you will come upon a Huge Granite Roch rising nearly 3000 feet above the forested floor below.   At the base below the Library of Ibris is a Shrine Dedicated to Ibs ris and 2 Stone Cottages and a Well. The Cottages are intended for rest of Weary Travellers to the Library or those waiting to be granted Entry. The Library itself is built atop the Rock plateau and Carved deep into the bowels of the Rock itself. There are two ways to get up to the Library Walking the Nearly 4500 steps to the top or riding an Elevator lift platform that can be summoned using a Horn within the shrine.  

Accessing the Library of Ibris:

  The Library of Ibris is not open to just anyone one has to earn an entry. Earning Entry can usually be done in one of two ways Gaining the Respect of a Scholar/Mage of Ibris and they write a letter of Recommendation for you. The other way is to bring a Book, Document, or Notable Artifact that they either have or would desire and this will grant you access. Scholars and Mages who have recovered several ancient tomes and given them to the Library have earned substantial reputations they are granted access to more exclusive and secret wings of the Library.  
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Purpose / Function

A Secluded and Protective Location to Store Documents, Books, Tomes, and Artifacts of Historical, and Magical Nature.   To Serve as both a Depository, and collection site as well as a Location where Scholars can study, write, and research without the influences and distractions of the world.   The Site renowned for one of the greatest collections of Knowledge in the form of Books and Manuscripts.


There  are Only Two Entries Into the Library of Ibris One the Main Gate or the Elevator Platform.


During the Years of Construction Additional Wings and Chambers for the Library have been Excavated deeper into the great Granite rock the plateau sits upon.


The Structure at the Top of the plateau was constructed from Limestone taken from a Quarry several miles south from the Granite Rock Plateau.   The Lower chambers of the Library are constructed from the Granite Rock excavated below the original Limestone Structure on the Plateau. A team of 100 Dwarves and 100 Men Constructed the lower chambers.


Besides Being 3000 Feet High the Rock Plateau is surrounded by a 30 foot tall 10 foot thick limestone Wall. Four Defensive towers Each hold a Complement of 24 Garrison Guards Called Order of the Quill and a Balista at the top of each garrison tower, as well as murder holes over the 4500 Winding steps that lead up to the Gates of the Library are only wide enough for only 2-3 men abreast.   The Walls and Inner Chambers are protected by Powerful Magics and Wards that protect the Library of Ibris and its Contents.   Magical Wards will prevent Flight over the Libraries walls any attempts to do so via magical means stop the target just short of the walls and the subject will gently float downwards onto the steps leading up to the only gate. Flying Naturally over the Walls with one's wings or riding a flying beast will encounter an abrupt barrier stopping forward flight over the Walls. This could be a rude awakening for those riding a Griffon or Drake and potentially dangerous if not deadly since the fall is over 3000 feet. Climbing over the Walls climbers will find the same barrier that they cannot get a handhold once reaching the top of the walls their hands will not go through. Teleportation and Planar Travel spells will not work to grant entry One must enter via the Main Gate or the Elevator Platform Tower.   Leaving Via Magical means or flight can be done but those leaving will be met with the same wards upon Return.   Magical Wards against Fire are key to the Library's Long Existence No Fire spells will work within the Libraries Walls, Torches matches and Tinder will not light except within the Receiving Hall where food is prepared and Visitors are allowed to smoke. Any such attempts of using Magical Fire spells within the Walls of the Library of Ibris will fail with just a sputter of smoke and the Caster hands will turn a Brilliant Red to mark the Culprit.


The Library of Ibris started as a monastery for Scholars and Scribes of Ibris over 1000 years ago. As these Scholars became more adept at the Transcription of ancient texts and Documents the Importance of gathering, cataloging, and storing such important Textual findings became Important. Many of these Books are Magical so it became important to Magical scholars to protect these documents and keep them under restricted access to not fall into unworthy hands.


Scholars, Researchers, and Practitioners of the Arcane Arts are just among the few who Desire to Visit the Library of Ibris. Those seeking solitude and protection, secrecy from the outside world come here to take on monumental studies or research because this is one of the best libraries in all of Evermyst.
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Founding Date
1897 to 1917
Parent Location
Environmental Effects
The Ideal Environment of the Library Chambers In addition to Magical Wards protects the Documents and Texts from possible Rot, Decay, Fire, or exposure to moisture. Books and Paper cannot be eaten by creatures such as worms or mice these creatures by some magical means have no appetite to eat the pages.
Library of Ibris
One of the Most Renown Libraries of the Human Civilization on Evermyst. This Reclusive library houses many Historical Manuscripts and Documents and even some artifacts. It is difficult to gain access because of it Remote location, Protectors, and Magical Wards. It is kept safe by the Order of the Quill who worship the God Ibris.

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