Aranis Silverwood

Bard & Courtesan Aranis Lee Silverwood

One of the most Flamboyant and Memorable People you might have a chance to meet in Evermyst is Aranis Silverwood. Aranis was Born to Tymoor Silverwood and Elianna Silverwood of Vicentia. Tymoor was a Fisherman and Elianna was a Tavern Waitress and Dancer. From an Early Age Aranis spent much of his time growing up in the Bawdy Warf District of Vicentia watching his Mother dance and serve tables while his father was out at sea much of the time. He would see his father often on the weekends after a decent catch drinking all his hard-earned coins at the Knotty Nymph Tavern Playing his lute and Brawling with patrons who would flirt or hit on Aranis's Mother Elianna.   This was a Happy yet troublesome upbringing for Aranis and by the time he was twelve years old his father was pressing him to come out with him regularly in his Fishing Smack but Aranis preferred to watch after his mother by now he had become an accomplished player of the Lute, Tamberine, and Tartan and played making decent coin while his mother danced. Aranis did not like the feeling of always being wet, cold, and stinking of fish and the sea. Occasionally Aranis would be visited by his Uncle Roland Silverwood his father's Brother who would talk of sailing with Privateers and Pirates, He would share Bawdy Sea Shanties with Aranis and point up to the Vicentia University and say, "You need to make something better of yourself Lad. Life at sea is Harsh you are meant for better..."   When Aranis was 13 years Old His Father was drinking heavily one evening. As Aranis played his mother danced and the crowd was getting rather rowdy grabbing at his Mother Elianna. In a fit of Rage Aranis's Father Tymoor pulled a knife and Stabbed killing two of the drunk patrons who were grabbing Elianna as he spun to slash at a third his knife missed its mark and Plunged into Aranis's Mother Elianna killing her. The shock at seeing his mother fall dead left Aranis Paralyzed with shock and Grief. Some Burly Men and a few of the City Guard seized Aranis's Father Tymoor and Hauled him off to Jail.   The Following Trail was Swift and would have meant the hanging of Tymoor Silverwood if it was not for the Testimony of Aranis and the Lord Magistrate taking Pity on him so instead Tymoor was sentenced to Life in Prison. Aranis's mother's Body was Quietly and Most unceremoniously interred in the Catacombs Below High Hill with Only Aranis and the Naughty Nymph Tavern Staff attending the Funeral. Aranis composed and wrote a sad Lament of this tale for the occasion. He would visit his Father in Prison when allowed to at least once a month and play songs for him and his fellow inmates.   At Age 14 Aranis still worked evenings at the Naughty Nymph. He did not make as much coin as when he played as he did when his mother Danced. One evening a Sailor Came into the Tavern asking for Aranis who handed him a small coffer and was told it was the Shares his Uncle Roland had earned from his last voyage. The Sailor explained that Roland had Died in a Boarding action taking a Pike to the chest he wished his shares to be given to him. Inside the chest were nearly 880 gold coins perhaps not a king's share but certainly a gentleman's share. Before Aranis could ask the man any more about his Uncle or thank the man he slipped away. At the bottom of the Chest was a handwritten note that said, "You have a gift for Music, Song, and Tales You can do better with this lift yer sails lad..."   Aranis thought hard about how to make the best use of his new riches, he had never seen so much he knew not to waste it on drink so he bought some finer clothes and made his way up to the University of Vicentia on High Hill and inquired about schooling. He was first Shocked at the cost of 200 Gold Coins but soon learned that he would be learning all manner of things but this paid for only one of several years of education room and board. Aranis Buried his head into books, Music composition, and, studies, he read about lore of different lands all over Evermyst. So enraptured with all his studies he spent much of his coin taking any manner of cases that sparked his interest. To make extra money to cover his shortfalls in tuition, Aranis found he earned better coins Busking up on the streets of High Hill.   Aranis Now 18 was a well-known student, at the university and was considered a Musical Prodigy now a dashing young man among the gentrified he was catching the eyes of young female nobles in class and later in the evening their Mothers and Grandmothers when he was playing on the High Hill Streets. He soon found himself playing music for parties in nobles' homes and some of the older ladies loved bringing him to court with the lords, ladies, and even the Earl of Vicentia. So Impressed with Aranis's Musical and Story prowess dashing looks and charm the Elf Lady Olara Dewsong took Aranis with her back to her kingdom of Elvorai he served as a courtesan of the Kings court for three years before Charming his way to book passage on a Galleon to Arimar over the next 10 years Aranis has seen much of the world of Evermyst before returning to his home of Vicentia. He has gathered many stories, and songs from many cultures broken many hearts.  
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    While he was away his Father died in Prison Aranis feels a little guilty for not returning sooner but forgets his heartbreaks by sharing songs, Ribalds, and tales among the Gentrified or in the Arms of an attractive Noblewoman when not attending court. His reputation now proceeds him as a Ladies' Man, Accomplished Ballroom Dancer, and singer of songs. Aranis loves the limelight and the attention and often amps up his flamboyant behavior to improve the show It's now his nature. Aranis has begun to write some of his memoirs and accounts of his travels. He is also working of putting together a Travel guide.

Mental characteristics


Aranis prefers the company of Woment but he is not above flirting with Homosexuality if it can advance his prospects he accepts all genders in his company.


5 Years of Study at Vicentia University with a Master in Bardic Studies.

Personality Characteristics


Aranis has no desire to settle down, He enjoys women like a good glass of wine they all have their own characteristics and taste.

Virtues & Personality perks

Beautiful singing voice, Talented Musician, Comedic Flare, Excellent Storyteller.

Vices & Personality flaws

Aranis cannot resist Flirtation with almost any woman this can sometimes get him in trouble.


Aranis Bathes DAILY if not Twice a day.


Contacts & Relations

If Aranis Does not already Know them he knows how to meet them.

Social Aptitude

Charm, Confidence with a tad of Flirtatious Braggidocio.


Aranis has a wide range to his musical voice from very High tones to considerably Low Tones he has a command for putting Gravel in his voice when he wants to or use inflection to gather attention or comedic flare.   Aranis is an Unabashed Flirt and commentator of women's style and clothing.   He will often break into song when walking behind a woman he has some interest in getting to know.


Aranis Can speak to both common Folk and the Highest of High in society he is a bit unabashed riding that edge between cool confidence and crazy rockstar.
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Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Courtesan of Vicentia
  • Bard to the court of Elvorai
  • Valedictorian University of Vicentia
Date of Birth
Bright colored cloths, Tight Pants typically exotic Animal leathers.
Light Green Eyes
Long wavy blond Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Tan and Well toned Musculature
5' 11"
180 lbs
Anreas God of Bards & Entertainers

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