Bangus Island

Written by Crafty_Dm

One of several islands in a chain Southeast of Avalar Bangus Island is Home to Tribal Island Mariners that migrated Far across the Emerald ocean to this island and have lived here for hundreds of years pretty much the same way as those that first traversed the waters to find this island. Mostly of Human Origins although there is no absence of any of the other known races other than their skin is darker and they differ in their more Family and Tribal nature over much of the races found in Evermyst. Bangus Island got its name from the teaming schools of Brilliant silverfish that feed and thrive in these waters that attracted the settlers here. Island life is teaming here with Palm and Coconut trees in abundance and dense jungle-like foliage inland the island is mostly flat with water coming from springs in underground caves. The climate is very warm almost all year round.
Inhabiting Species

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