Black Adder

More often than not the Black Adder Snake is referred to as a Silent killer. These snakes prefer to live in warm rocky regions or among tall grass near the woodlands Edge. But many times The Black adder may innocently slither into a farmer's Basket of fresh produce just to relax in warmth and seclusion. Unbeknownst to the farmer or possibly a produce shopper the Black Adder will Strike mainly out of defense for being disturbed or touched. Those Struck by a Black Adders Bite more than likely won't hear anything perhaps a barely audible hiss but this is most certainly after it has made its striking attack. In the wild, these snakes typically hunt small rodents and birds quietly searching for food they more realistically tend to slither away from bustling human activity but get a bad reputation due to Superstition and the occasional misfortune of coming under a defensive Strike by one. A Black adders Bite can range from Hardly Poisonous to extremely poisonous and there are actually several breeds of this snake that fall into this family that range from Dark Charcoal black in color to Deep Dark green They all have some sort of side-to-side banding and can range from 1 to 4 feet in length. Black Adders Live in warmer Regions that are not prone to snow or freezing temperatures.

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