Blood Worm

Legend has it That Blood worms are born from the spilled blood of Evil Fey Creatures that has seeped into the earth or from slain fairies killed by evil magics over fertile soils. These Worms then multiply around the Site of desecration and grow up to 12 inches in length. They do not move fast but can sense the presence of living things within their area of infestation. These Blood Worms look for the most part like large earthworms but have an aperture mouth at one end with small razor-sharp teeth that bite into the skin and release hundreds of parasitic larvae into its target bloodstream once bitten this is the only time a Bloodworm shows its true color as it turns Blood red and injects its larvae. These larvae feed on the body within and without magical or spiritual healing these parasitic larvae will devour the body eventually becoming more blood worms infesting the ground where this creature falls and dies. Grounds infested with such creatures as blood worms need powerful magics or spiritual spells to remove the infestations.

Basic Information


Blood worms look like large Earthworms with an Aperture mouth at the head. They can get to double the length of a man's hand and will look more pinkish if they have not fed for a long time.

Genetics and Reproduction

Blood worms Come into existence through very Ancient and Powerful Magic of Death and Decay. It is believed if a Good Creature of the Fae is slain in such a way and not properly buried or offered up in Prayer to the Elf Goddess Annumdir that their decaying body becomes infested with the Larvae of Blood Worms to eventually infest the grounds where the body was left to decay.   Blood worms burrough in the flesh and Multiply by laying larvae in a living, decaying, or dead subject.

Growth Rate & Stages

Larvae are almost immediately within several minutes created or excreted when a bloodworm feeds on dead flesh. The Larvae also emerge when a Good Fae Creature falls due to Dark Magics and no prayer or offering is said over the corpse, or if it is not given an appropriate burial ceremony within 48 hours.   Bloodworm larvae Mature while feeding on the decaying body at around 72 Hours into young bloodworms 2-3 Inches long and Reach full Maturity within 5 days and 12 Inches Long.

Ecology and Habitats

The Optimal Environment for blood worms is any Living, Decaying, or Dead Host Body. They will continue to feed and produce more larvae on any living creature that lingers or falls within their infestation area the more bodies that fall in that area be they Fae, humans, other species, or animals will increase the area of infestation or begin a new area of infestation where the Bloodworm infected body falls.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bloodworms can eat the Flesh, Organs, and eventually the bones of any living creature.

Biological Cycle

When a Bloodworm has no more bodies to feed upon or lay its larvae it burrows into the ground where its last body has fallen and decayed away and can Hibernate for some say hundreds if not thousands of years to awaken within minutes of sensing warm-blooded life within 10-15 feet of hits area of Hibernation.


Blood Worms Seek warm blood they are highly attuned to its presence although they cannot move fast they will move towards warm blood in or near their infestation or nesting ground. They can Burrough through Cloth, thick hides, or leather boots, and even wood to feed on warm flesh and blood. They cannot burrow through Metals such as Iron or Silver and recoil from contact with it.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Bloodworms have been collected and used in Magical spells and Rituals by Hags, Witches, and Shadow Fae.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Fae Wilds, Regions Known for of Death and Decay

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Blood worms are slow but have strong magnetic sensory abilities for life that comes within 10-15 feet of the area they have infested.
by Bing AI Image Creator
Average Weight
Less than 1 pound
Average Length
12 Inches
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pink to Blood Red if it recently fed on Fresh Blood or Flesh.

Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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