Carrier Pigeon

With an Uncanny memory and ability to cover hundreds of miles in a Day many Civilized societies of Evermyst have domesticated carrier Pigeons that act as animal messengers. Any Respectable Lord will have at least a dozen of these or more in his service often with a peasant caretaker. In big cities, there are often paid Carrier pigeon service establishments. Carrier Pigeons are domesticated from wild Rock pigeons they are then selectively bred and pigeons with thinner builds, longer necks, and iridescent plumage usually reflect their differences. These Pigeons are specifically trained to fly from one location to another. The Brightest of these Birds are often trained and carried about by generals of armies to serve as remote messengers. Carrier Pigeons Typically live at least 10-15 years with some a rare few living up to incredibly 20 years. Once trained they can fly up to 400 miles between two set locations or to a roost with a Traveling Army. Carrier Pigeons are known to have keen vision and a sense of direction.

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