Dwarven Steam Packet

When this ship was first seen Plying the Seas of the Lunar Depths all manner of Mariners claimed it was a Contraption of the Devil. How could something made of Iron Float upon the sea and why is it blowing out smoke and fire?   She was invented by Sven Stormbrand In 2961. Sven Stormbrand is a master Boatbuilder and Metalworker from the City of Ironmouth in Norelhiem. The Dwarven Steam Packet was developed out of Necessity for a vessel that could ply upriver against strong currents and be able to sail against strong winds around the Northern waters of Norelhiem and into the Frozen Tides.   Sven had been tinkering with Steam Engine Technology and smaller craft for 10 years before building His Masterpiece. First with small Steam powered wooden Skiffs then Barges to ply the riverways. His work and small steam Skiffs soon drew the attention and mockery of the citizens of Ironmouth even a few of the Dwarven Lords dismissed his contraptions as an unreliable Novelty. But Sven soon took his project further when he built His first ship out of Iron his beloved Steam Packet. Sven Named the Steam Packet after his Wife Calling Her the Griselda.   During the Trial Runs of Sven's new craft up and down the Riverways word had gotten to King Hrothgar Brighthammer that a Crazed Dwarf named Sven Stormbrand had built a large Steam Powered Ship out of Metal. In Disbelief, the king made the Journey Holdural Halls down to Ironmouth to see this supposed Metal Ship for Himself. When the King arrived and Saw Sven's Steam Packet he could not believe his eyes and ordered Sven to take him out on the Vessel. Sven followed the Order of King Hrothgar and took him up the river. The King was so impressed with the craft he inquired where he had gotten the plans for such a vessel believing this creation had to involve some Magic or Deal with the Drelarian Dynasy Wizards. When Sven Told the King he developed the Steam-powered Engine Himself and showed that it burned wood or coal and did not use magic. The King was pleased and wanted some of these Vessels For himself.   Interested in this new Craft the King called his Council of Lords and the Admiral of his Navy to see Sven's Steam Packet. Sven Obliged the King, Admiral, and Lords and put his ship through rigorous tests. The Steam Packet performed remarkably well and by now this strange Vessel was seen sailing up and down the straights of the Lunar Depths by all manner of Sailors, Merchants, and Mariners. Rumors began to pass through coastal town taverns about a mysterious ship made of Iron spewing black smoke and not needing sails to travel over the seas. These rumors began to spark, songs and stories with the wandering minstrel's most grandiose and untrue.   King Hrothgar was so enamored with the vessel he ordered Sven to mount one of his Bronze cannons onto the Steam packet and once this was done he appointed Sven as his Royal Shipwright. Ordering him to make at least five more of these ships. This did not set well with some of the Dwarven lords and In particular, the King's Admiral as his Brother was the Former royal Shipwright. Sven routinely took the Steam packet out to train the crew and learn of her capabilities. Meanwhile, The Lords and Admiral Did their best to Delay the Construction of any more Steam packets hoping to change King Hrothgars' mind.   Word had Now Traveled to the Neighboring Kingdom of Briarland and the Barony of Eastmarc that this Iron ship was plying the waters of of the Lunar Depths and both the Baron of Eastmarc and King of Brairland commissioned privateers to sail out, find and capture this vessel. Neither one knew that the Steam Packet was of Dwarven Make.   In 2963 the Privateer Carrack "Adder" spotted the Dwarf Steam Packet off the coast of New Haven Isle and Gave chase it took nearly 5 Hours and all of her Canvas to overtake Sven's Steam Packet Just as the sun was setting. The Adder fired several volleys in pursuit from her Balista to no effect when Sven Turned the ship around Three Vollies from the Bronze cannon holed the adder and she sunk in the Dark of Night Sven ordered his crew to search for survivors and they only recovered one sailor whom they questioned no colors were given and as far as he had known no war was declared against Norelhiem. Sven and his crew learned that the Adder Sailed under a letter of Marque for the Kingdom of Briarland. Sven took the Steam Packet at the best speed back to Ironmouth to inform the Admiral and King.   Sven Reported the Engagement to The Admiral 2 days after the Battle. The Admiral in hopes of swaying the King into re-instating his Brother as the Royal Shipwright relayed the events of the encounter much differently than they had occurred. With the King Hearing of this Sven was summoned before the King and the Dwarven lords under accusations of Piracy and acting without a Declaration of War. For several days rumors and speculations buzzed throughout the Kingdom of Norelhiem. Until the Horns blared High up in the halls of Holdoral calling for the Great Book of Grudges. Sven along with his Crew testified to the truth of the incident and it was later found that Admiral Lumroc Windbelly was removed from his Admirals Position and his name was recorded in the Great Book of Grudges for acts of Seditious Provocation to Deceive the King and to taint the Stormbrand Family name. The Admiral Served no Jail time but he and his Family were stripped of their Lordly titles and marked as a Discraced Family Name.   The events surrounding the Steam Packet Griselda no became sensationalistic, and dwarves traveling to Ironmouth would make purposeful trips to the Riverbanks and Docks in hopes of catching a glimpse of Captain Sven Storbrand and Iron Ship. A new Admiral was appointed to command the Royal Navy in 2964 Admiral. Survivors From the Adder eventually reported to the King of Brialand still unaware that the ship that defeated them was of Dwarven make. Later That year the king of Briarland received a message from King Hrothgar that any further attacks on his naval vessels would result in a declaration of war. Brialand Monarch had been of the less favorable end of dwarven relations and revoked his letters of Marque.   In the year 2965 Two fast sloops sailing under a letter of Marque under the barony of Eastmarc "The Vendetta, and the Antares" site the Steampacket Griselda Plying up the Northwest Coast of Noraliem and engage her. This time the king's Nephew Igan Brownbraid is serving as a Lieutenant under Sven Stormbrand the two sloops quickly overtake the Griselda and the battle rages for 3 hours with the sloops firing four to five times the volleys from their smaller 4 lb cannons taking down the Griselda's mast and partially damaging her Port Paddle Wheel. The Engagement at times was at less than 100 yards, but the O'l Steampacket managed to Damage the Antares bad enough that she had to disengage. The Vendetta gave up the pursuit as the Griselda Steam Packet managed to sail Northward into the Ice Flows and escaped under cover of Darkness. The Two Privateers made hasty repairs and limped home as did the Dwarven Steam Packet.   Since this Incident Tensions have risen between the Kingdom of Norelhiem and Privateer attacks on Dwarf merchant shipping have become a problem. Sven was approved to commission not only 5 but in actuality 8 Steampackets for the Norelhiem Navy and they are nearly 50 to 60 feet longer and far better armed. The Griselda is now the Pride of Ironmouth and the kingdom of Norelhiem and still serves and has claimed victory over a Dozen Enemy Ships.

Power Generation

Steam Powered Via Coal or Wood. 2 Fireboxs & Two Boilers


Side Paddle Wheels driven by Steam Engine.

Weapons & Armament

1x 18 Lb Bronze Cannon. Boarding Pikes, and Melee Weapons.

Armor and defense

Hull is 2" thick riveted Steel with Beam Reinforcement Below Decks.

Communication Tools & Systems

Signal Flags, and Flares

Additional & auxiliary systems

Mast can hold 1 large Auxiliary Sail.
Dwarf Steam Packet
NRS Griselda
"Heart of Iron, Uncapturable as Mist"
Creation Date
Current location
Very Rare
54 Feet and the Side Paddles
93 Feet
34 Feet Keel to Stack top
173 Tons
14 Knots
Complement / Crew
(20 Total) 1 Captain, 1 Lieutenant, 2 Helmsmen, 3 Boilermen, 3 Gunners, 6 Sailors, 6 Marines
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
30 Tons

Cover image: by Bing AI image Creator


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